Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Me & Computers - Not Friends

I no friend you, you schewpeed computer!!!

Okay. So I had to redo half the stuff I was preparing on Sunday night. Fine.

Today*, I wanted to print it out at work. The first paper - okay. Second paper- okay. Third document - Microsoft Word shut down on its own. (*If you are interested in the nitty-gritty, it was actually due Monday but Monday, I had to stay home to look after a sick child.)

Strange. I tried again and again. Again and again, MS Word got into the auto-recovery mode and shut itself down.

I restarted my laptop and used a colleague's laptop. Her laptop couldn't read my thumbdrive.

I went back to my own laptop and tried printing it again. And the same problem of auto-recovery shut down happened.

I went to another colleague's laptop, the same thing happened.

I called the Tech Guy. Tech Guy came, fiddled around with the laptop for some 20 minutes. Still, the problem persisted.

I called my supervisor who then suggested I go to her work station to get it printed. Same problem.

By then, I had spent one good hour of my life trying to print one document. I decided to go home and try printing it from home. The Tech Guy did say that I might have to retype everything because copying and pasting it on another document resulted in the same problem.


So, now I'm at home. I've re-typed it. Like Kailing suggested, I pressed Ctrl-S every few seconds. Never mind that that just about destroyed any momentum I had.

Now, just after I pressed Ctrl-S for the last time, the entire page hanged.

I'm quite sure that my thumbdrive, the one and only place where I have this document (because I was only planning to make a back-up after I pressed Ctrl-Shole for the last time), will burst into flames or something - looking at how things have progressed for me so far. 


Kai Ling Lim said...

nad...I'm sorry i might be a bit too late in saying this:
1) if it happens again...*choy choy choy, touch wood* try saving it in a different file name.
2) copy part of it in a new document... part of the file might be corrupted, not all...
3) you kena virus...

che' puan said...

oh ho... your scheewpeed computer got ghost leh..! aiyooooo....

shooga shooga said...

omg! poor thing you nasib mcm kentang... all these when papers are due! i'd be cursing too, lol!

ok ok bawak bertendang try what your friend advised ok?

nad makhuda said...

1) that's what the tech guy suggested. i've tried saving it in all sorts of names. no luck.

2) part of it is corrupted, i think. so, last night, i copied everything to notepad. then copied from notepad to a new word document. (it's booklet b of english paper leh!!) after that i re-did all the boxes and borders and stuff. then i couldnt print from home because ink no enough. so i didnt even bother trying.

3) now back in school. tried to print. good news is, it didnt do its auto-recovery and shut down. instead, i just see that *&$^@#$! hourglass after i clicked print.

i dunno what else i'm supposed to do! (am i supposed to literally retype every single letter???!)

yes. must be the ghost of maaaaaas slaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaat.

2 days overdue liao. just because of this stupid printing problem. i banged my head on the keyboard sampai benjol kepala.

Eity Norhyezah said...

ish ish...kesiannye... Sabar ye... That's technology for you...

nad makhuda said...


thank you all concerned citizens. the paper was finally printed. after i whined over here, the IT head happened to walk past my table and i asked him to solve my woes. he couldn't help me much so he directed me to the microsoft software specialist. mr microsoft-software-specialist spent some time tinkering with my file. eventually, he deleted one page at a time to find out what was causing all the trouble. the problem was in page 1. so, to cut a long story short, i am happy and satisified wth life in general and i dont hate the computer as much.

Ai Li Tay said...

Good for you Nad. But it must have really been quite traumatic. I really can understand it. Sigh. IT is supposed to be efficient but sometimes it can really be quite a pain. Change to MAC le. Less virus =)

nad makhuda said...

aili, hahaa! if i mention this to man, he'd start looking for one immediately. after this episode, i am VERY tempted to change one of the laptops. it makes sense to have 2 different platforms rather than both laptops running on windows, right? ah. will have to mull it over. ;)

Ana mn said...

Next time, kau kena belai laptop dgn penuh kasih sayang sebelum start ....hehehehehheh