Monday, April 28, 2008

Ah Pui

Finally, somebody commented.

"Are you wearing a smaller top or have you put on weight?"

I've put on weight.

I've known it ever since I went back to the working world. Clothes that have served me well for donkey years are getting a bit tight around the tummy area. New pants had to be bought urgently as the old pants were threatening to split at the seams any time.

Unfortunately, when it comes to acquisition of new tops, I'm a bit of a fusspot and now that I have a new criteria - must be loose around the tummy - it's tougher getting tops for work. As a result, occasionally, those old tops had to be worn, making me look somewhat like a dumpling.

On one hand, I want to lose the extra weight I've been carrying. But, on the other hand, I would need that extra weight to see me through the first months of my next pregnancy. 

Sigh. What's a woman to do in these times? (Get a corset?)


Arlynn Ahmad said...

I can soooo relate to what you are experiencing, Nad! I've gained abt 7kg over the last 6 mths, in my attempt to gain some weight. Sampai my colleagues came to me and asked me whether I'm pregnant. Ahakz! My problem lies mostly with my working pants. But I take it positively - IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE OF WARDROBE!

Eity Norhyezah said...

Next pregnancy?? Are you pregnant?!!

Liza Ali said...

I was going to ask the same question!!!! So pls jawab!!!

And oh Nad...kalau kau dah dumpling...aku ni apa pulak kan...err...mcm sarung nangka?? In the words of my mum....sigh..

che' puan said...

jgn cakap korang...aku ni sejak ardi keluar, makin menggeleber perut..! semua dah rebut2 menuju gravity..! perut, lengan, pipi, dagu!! hahaha.. but it wasn't like this when i had dian tau.. so ladies, want get preg again.. do it before u hit 30..!!

azmann always laugh after i come out from fitting room, those bajus which i thought can fit me well last time look horrendous buruk bangat when i try it on.. from a size 7, i can even squeeze in a size 5.. last time lah.. sekarang size 11, mati2 nak squeeze size 9..!! hahaha

tea tea said...

uve put on weight ah? i've lost more weight recently...and i'm trying hard to gain back the lost weight. i'm now 46kg only. believe it or not, i kinda like my 49 to 50kg frame... fahmy cakap, dulu kurus bising, dah berisi sikit bising, lepas tuh kurus balik pun bising...he's so confused. haha!

Ai Li Tay said...

Lose weight after second pregnancy =)

nad makhuda said...

yes! it's time for a wardrobe change.. unfortunately, it's so difficult forme to find things that i like.. so leceh one hor?

nad makhuda said...

haiyaaaaahhh!!! for my NEXT pregnancy lah. now i'm not pregnant. if i'm pregnant, i wouldnt be complaining about the weight gain lah kan?

anyway, aku nak eity jadi aku punya personal trainer lah. fuyyyoooohhh... bila aku nampak dia kat causeway point kemarin, ingatkan salah orang sehhh.. bukan main slim lagi akak tu...

nad makhuda said...

i'm 31 liao!!! *melalak banyak2*

anyway.. fasal baju.. sama lah.. aku yang perasan ni kekadang masih terbeli baju size S.. dulu size 3 pun aku muat.. sekarang, size 5 dah sendat.. hai badaaaan badann... (dah lah tu, yang naik cuma perut dan punggung.. apasal fats tu tanak naik atas sket, ah?)

nad makhuda said...

waahhhh!!! u so fast lose the extra weight.. must be the breastfeeding. nevermind, once you stop breastfeeding, you may just start gaining weight - like me!! :P

nad makhuda said...

that's exactly my plan!! (talk is easy. let's see how i balloon after the second pregnancy.)
but til i'm pregnant again, i must contend with these extra layers of fats on my tummy and thighs.

Eity Norhyezah said...

Heheee...Eh boleh.....

Ana mn said...

Eity da kurus? Dear Eity, pls post ur current pics on your blog. I wanna see!!!!:)

nad makhuda said...

oh yes!! i saw her, made eye contact. i thought, she looked familiar but i have no idea who she is.

i turned again to take a second look. i saw a man who looked like her husband and a girl who looked like her daughter. it was only then that i realised it was eity!! maccow!!! bukan main slim lagi member kita tu. dia dengan aku dah boleh share baju. tu pun, kalau badan aku tak naik lagi.