Sunday, May 11, 2008

Oh Lizzie Dear!

When we first moved in some five years ago, we noticed a lizard problem. So, we had a fly swatter (or three) in every room, located conveniently so that we would only need to stretch to arm ourselves with that weapon of ultimate destruction.

Somehow, after some time, our interest in lizards waned and the fly swatter, once battered beyond redemption, got disposed off and not replaced.

Until a week ago. I noticed three huge lizard shit in the kitchen, just millimetres away from each other. I am very sure that the shit-owner had considered that space his toilet. So, I placed two sticky pads on the wall above the shit hoping that the rude lizard would get stuck and I imagined myself laughing at it as I throw the sticky pad and the stuck starving lizard down the rubbish chute. A week later, still no lizard on sticky pad.

Yesterday, The Husband was changing Huda in the room and I closed the door. Huda pointed at the door and said, "Ti-tak. Ti-tak." Cicak. Malay for lizards.

I looked at the direction she was pointing at and saw a huge mother-of-all-house-lizards staring at me. I shouted at my brother, who just so happened to be in the living room, to get a fly swatter for me. He took quite a while to find one and eventually emerged with a fly swatter that had definitely seen better days.

I whacked it, but the fly swatter failed me. (Or really, honestly, I just couldn't aim despite having that offending creature exactly in front of me, at eye level.) The lizard jumped off and both my brother and sister were shrieking too much to notice which way the lizard went.

Twenty minutes ago, I was about to iron some clothes when I saw a lizard. Not the same one I attempted to kill yesterday. This one was smaller. A teenage lizard. Thankfully, the fly swatter was within reach and I managed to whack it. It played dead for a few minutes. I went out to get something and when I came back, it had moved. Stupid. I whacked it mercilessly and threw it out of the window so that its remains could at least be of some use to the grass and trees outside.

Tomorrow, I'm getting more fly swatters.

And, I have tonnes to write about my life and that great weekend I had last week but I don't know why those entries are still not created yet. ;P

(Pssst. Aili, I was thinking of you each time I think of/see lizards. Hmmm.. not such a great connection, huh?)


Ana mn said...

Hahahahahahaha...a funny entry. A stress reliever for my exam anxiety .Waaaaaa!!!!!

Ai Li Tay said...


Ana mn said...

Ya actually it's quite gross. Usually, I spray bygone on it. Then it drops on the floor and then with all my might, I whack it with a roll of newspapers. Like roti prata!

Elizabeth Choo said...

Me I just scream for ika my halper and she will come and catch it for me wif her bare hands and throw it out of the window...

nad makhuda said...

rohana - yes, i'm glad i still have some entertainment value. dont forget to pay entertainment tax, hor?

aili and rohana - yes, i beat it up into pulp with a fly swatter. i think i must have gone a bit overboard because just now huda was whacking an imaginary lizard; she kept on hitting the poor wall with a sift, mind you, and shouting out TITAK TITAK TITAK. *sigh* wonderful values i'm passing eh?

bird - BARE HANDS??!!! omg!!! that is the ultimate. she's the best. no competition.

Anyway, just now, I saw a cluster of 4 medium-size lizard shit in another part of the kitchen. Why are they doing this to me??

Ai Li Tay said...


Oh yes, Chua apparently does it with his bare hands too.

Cluster of 4???? Yikes. I am glad I just hear them. Not see them.

nad makhuda said...

chua catches lizards with his bare hands???!!! OMG!!! i have a new level of respect for him now. :D

tea tea said...

ko nak pinjam adik aku? dia pantang nampak dan dengar bunyi cicak. confirm dia amik rubber band and will hunt for it high and low and will 'lestik' the cicaks sampai cicak tuh jatuh and she will kill it with the home slipper then threw it away. ko nak pinjam dia?

irris irris said...

Tea, can I "borrow" yr sis? there's a big lizard hanging around my kitchen. It'll hide the moment I switch the kitchen lights on. Urgh!

Raggedyanne Faudzi said...

cayalah nad, i oso respect you for using a fly swatter to whack the lizzies. I geli geleman and find cheap thrills in trapping them with the sticky papers. both hubby and i were quite obsessed with them the last time, but these days, mak dah malas ahhh..

nad makhuda said...

yati, wahahhahahaaaa!!!!!! your sister is something lah! which one is this? nashita or karmilah? her aiming must be good seh! dia boleh lastik cicak tu??

nani, i;m sure her sister would love to do it.

anne, kitorang dah slack lah. tu pasal cicak dah berleluasa kat rumah kita. so, must renew my conviction in cicak-hunting. but they've developed some form of higher order thinking ah. they are avoiding all the sticky pads. grrrr... so now it's whack-on-sight.

tea tea said...

nani, can can!!! i tell u, she has a passion for killing peeve made her so passionate abt it!

tea tea said...

nad, full name nama adik2 aku sumer keluar! haha! si karmilah cuma tau buat ni "Nash, ader cicak. Kau punya kerja."

Si nashitah punyer kerja...dia pembunuh cicak... untung mak aku... a'ah dia boleh lastik sampai kena itu cicak...tak sia2 masuk npcc time sec school, trained dlm marksmanship... ko kalo tengok dia carik, lastik and bunuh cicak2, betul2 punyer bersungguh2!

nad makhuda said...

eh tea, send your sis to my house. get her to stay here for a few days. my reflexes are too slow these days to aim at those dastardly creatures. sometimes, i hit it with all my might, and it can still run away. haiyayayayayyyyy....