Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Lot of Everything

1. Sometime last year, I received the very pleasant news that one of my friends is pregnant. And now, she has just given birth! Yayyy!! Her pregnancy was fraught with complications and so was the birth but both mom and babe are doing well now. Welcome to the world, Shin Ee!

2. I'm growing old. It's confirmed. In this hot, hot weather, I need cold drinks. (Who doesn't?) I don't normally drink cold drinks. My drink of choice is plain water, at room temperature.

Yesterday, I had a glass of cold water and there was a piercing pain (what's the english equivalent of ngilu/nyilu - heck - i dont even know how it's spelt in malay) around my front teeth. I've got sensitive teeth!! Gaaaah!! How did that come about? I last saw a dentist end of last month and she *ahem* praised me for my good dental hygiene.

A quick search on the net shows that applying too much pressure while brushing is the main cause; it cause the gums to recede. The solution is to use a softer toothbrush and toothpaste for sensitive teeth. A change in toothpaste, I can handle. But a softer toothbrush?? I've always liked my toothbrush hard (don't you perverts dare try read too much into this) and the pressure I apply is about the same amount I use to scrub the toilet bowl. I might as well use a piece of cloth to gently wipe my teeth. Oh heck. I should also put up a poster in my mouth to welcome all forms of bacteria and plaque.

3. The head will come and look at me do my work this Thursday. Gulp. I very scared.

4. My grandmother is coming to Singapore this June. Yayy!! These past few years, she shuttles back and forth between her kampong in Melaka, her sons' homes in KL and us in Singapore. She's a very old lady now; age has caught up with her. She walks with a hunch, which Huda likes to imitate. Huda enjoys her company and I hope she enjoys Huda's company too. I must say that Huda makes her work up quite a sweat. There was once when Huda climbed up the dining table, which normally does not raise even an eyebrow among those who see her often. But my poor grandmother, who takes a long time to get from the bedroom to the living room, just zoomed from the sitting area to the dining table in a flash. I kid you not. In a flash. I just saw a blurred baju kurung zooming past me.

5. I had an amazing time catching up and chatting with my gal pals some Fridays ago (minus husbands and kids). It has been so long since I last caught up with them. It was fun fun fun!!! Considering that most of us are now reined by kids and can no longer go out without a single care in the world, the fact that we stayed out til amost midnight was almost a miracle.

6. We have a new camera and it's a Canon!! Yippeeee!

7. All right. I think that's all for now. I'm going to brush wipe my teeth and decide what to do this Thursday.


irris irris said...

How about joining a spree for spiffies toothwipes? heeheh...

nad makhuda said...

spiffies toothwipes??! hahaaaaa!!! oh goodness.. i hope i'll never ever need to resort to that! i am now gently brushing my teeth. i need to drink cold water!!

Ana mn said...

I have the same problem. My gums are receding and I can see quite a bit of my tooth which is supposed to be embedded in the gum. This is due to me brushing my teeth hard like brushing the toilet bowl. No wonder my toothbrush needs to be replaced within a short period of time. My husband can use his toothbrush for months!

nad makhuda said...

same here!! but i never realised that my toothbrush needed regular replacing because i brushed too hard. aku ingatkan salah toothbrushing technique. so now, kau pun nak beli spiffies toothwipes?

tea tea said...

a fren taught me another toothbrushing technique: instead of brushing up and down, brush in a circular motion so u wont put too much pressure on ur gums... it helps for me! u may want to try! and for the rest of the cleaning procedure, floss and floss!

we have yet to get our now my camera is just for recording videos and not for snapping pics.. bleagh! wat's ur cannon model?

nad makhuda said...

yati - brush in circular motion? how is that possible? my teeth are not THAT big leh. i tried doing this but it didt work. and yeah, i floss like anything. i use the floss that comes on a stick so it's highly convenient. sambil tengok tv, sambil sental gigi.

our canon? we got it from amazon. my husband's in love with amazon. so, the model number is the us version and it's PowerShot SD870 IS. i think in singapor, the same model is called something else.

tea tea said...

nad, cannot meh? u align ur upper and lower set of teeth together and brush in circular motion... aku boleh buat. ko cuba lagi. gigi aku pun bukan gigi dinosaur except for the front 2 teeth la..rabbit teeth. kekekek

nad makhuda said...

oooooohhhhhh... must align the teeth, ah?? baru aku tahu.. i thought, every tooth is brushed in a circular fashion. like that, sure can one.

anyway, how long did you take for your teeth to stop being sensitive? it's been more than a week of lembik-style brushing and sensodyne but my teeth are still sensitive leh.

tea tea said...

nad, i cant really rem how long it took me b4 the nyilu-ness is gone..but i think it shld be more than a week... maybe 2 weeks or so...

nad makhuda said...

now i feel the nyiluness even when drinking hot drinks. it used to be only cold drinks. grrrrrr... haiyaaaayaaaaaa.. i think i'll take much longer to get everything a-okay again..