Thursday, November 01, 2007


Ajax Fabuluso!! I've been looking for you all over the house! We used up the big bottle and I knew you were somewhere in the house but you refused to surface until we've bought a new bottle! Grrrrrr!


irris irris said...

That's life... :)

Ana mn said...

Woi so free ah?

mrs shafei z said...

biasalah what did you do with the big bottle? hide it somewhere again? hehe.

nad makhuda said...

irris - but happens all the time, hor?

rohana - wahahahaa!! kau sibuk processing exam results ke? aku sibuk mop rumah. :P

norza - i put one in the kitchen toilet, one in the room toilet. a few months from now, if you hear somebody screaming for ajax fabuluso, do scream back - "in the toilet in the room!" ;)

tea tea said...

eh did i show u the 3M mop tt we used the other time?can use dry and wet one? if i haven't, will show u soon..

nad makhuda said...

tea - you did. but i forgot all about it and still using my old faithful. nanti aku pergi rumah kau, aku nak experiment dengan mop tu eh? kau dapat maid for a day lah. ;)