Monday, November 12, 2007

Overdue Stuff

I am getting terribly lazy about updating things. I don't have a good enough excuse. Oh, wait! I know - the PC's slow! Good enough?

Anyway, here's a snapshot of things that happened in the past few months.


irris irris said...

Yah lah huda, u shud update. Yr funny entries are missed!

Ana mn said...

Told you so! Did you go to the playground?

Ana mn said...

There's a pony park in pasir ris too! I just love pasir ris!

Ana mn said...

Oh look at that! Isn't she gorgeous!

Ana mn said...

Selamat jalan Nenek!

izadnhana Ismail said...

daddy's girl habisss!

syarni 97 said...

kak ira .. i curik tis pics eh... hehe

nad makhuda said...

irris - there, mak huda dah update. :)

rohana - i knowi know i know!!!! i love pasir ris park! and, yes, i've been on the horse there too!

hana - i think she looks like either of her parents depending on the angle. we've got different people telling us she looks like either me or him.OR, both of us look alike. :P

murni - silakan.. :)

shooga shooga said...

yati FINALLY put on weight!!!!!

nad makhuda said...

yeah lorrr!!!

tea tea said...

haha! yar man like FINALLY lor... and nossss the lilac tudung jukst tak kena with i know.. :)

oops..sowwie ah nad, aku dah chope nama hazim think u managed to correctly guess the name i wanted to give my then unborn baby....woohoooo! n yes i so luvvvvvvvvvv the name too!

tea tea said...

farha dah ader 2 anak eh? suria dah ader 3 anak eh? wahhhhhhhhhh....and i forgot the name of the girl in the middle...she from nus too rite?

nad makhuda said...

huh? how you know if a tudung tak kena with you? looks fine to me. but then again, colour coordination is not my thing. aku pakai tudung hantam aje. i dunno whether it goes with my skin tone or not. wahahahhaaaa!

and yes, hazim is my favourite favourite faaaaaavourite male name!! i love how it sounds and its meaning. i dont care ah. if i do have a boy, he'll be called hazim also. hahaaa! BUUUT, the husband says that the second child, the choice of name is his. cos i insisted on huda and called her that the moment i knew her gender. so must give him chance lor for our second kid.

nad makhuda said...

farha ada 3 anak. the oldest is almost 5 and the youngest is about 4 months. she gave birth to her 3rd child around the same time you gave birth to hazim.

the girl in the middle is arunah from bizad. she has a daughter who's about huda's age.