Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Old Fogey

This has got to be one of the biggest signs that I'm growing older and that my brain cells are rapidly depleting.

The Husband bought me a new phone a month ago, a few days before Hari Raya. Having been used to the workings of a Sony-Ericsson phone for almost 2 years, I had a bit of a trouble adjusting to a Nokia and so when Selamat Hari Raya messages started to pour in, I could only reply almost a week after Hari Raya.

And now, a good one month after the phone's arrival, I am finally putting songs in it and splitting songs for my ringtones. Thank goodness I got to that! For a while, I thought I was gonna stick with the ringtones provided by Nokia (which would make me a super old old old fogey). I used to do these things immediately. The moment I get a new phone, I'll read the manual from cover to cover and then play with the new toy for days and days. But now, these things can wait, I suppose.

Oh, and the phone came with a 2GB memory stick (what do you call such things cos memory stick is sony's, right?) but The Husband used that for his own phone. So, as I copied songs to the phone, I told The Husband that I wanted the 2GB stick-thing back so that I could put a gajillion songs into the phone and he could have the 256MB schtick that was in my phone. Then, The Husband took a look at all the songs I wanted to copy into my phone. Total space needed = 76.8MB. Wahahahahaaaaaaaa!!! Not only am I turning into an old fart real fast, I am also having a waning interest in pop music and all sorts of pop culture stuff which is traditionally, a young-people thing.

I might as well accept old age with open arms.


Misdawati Misty said...

hahaahha.. no lah.. mane ade tue... u just have diff preference.. me oso.. now i dun really like 2 listen to dos pop song.. i prefer song which are more softer.. like class 95.. 98.7 n power 98 no longer appeal to me... :-)

nad makhuda said...

i'm beginning to listen more to 90.5 and warna. warna, mind you!! the makcik's choice! wahahahahahahaaa!!

mrs shafei z said...

scary hor.
i never leave home without my earfones when i was younger but now im suddenly not interested in stuffing my ears with them on my commuting trips too.

Misdawati Misty said...

eh sumtimes i oso like 2 listen 2 warna.. dey play really timeless classizs lah.. gold 90 fm oso not bad.. so dun worry.. if u tink ur old.. den i am too!! lol..

irris irris said...

hahaaaa. seems like 256MB of space is enuff for ya after all!

Alahhh u belum old fogey lah.... just that yr mind is preoccupied with more important things (like which spree to join next) :P

Misdawati Misty said...


ya.. i can feel dat too.. she must be tinking... baby's 1st toothpaste? or shld i get the.... but the clothes are super nice! lol....

nad makhuda said...

norza - yup! yup!! once upon a time, my ears were stuffed all the time. now? i cant even remember when i last used a pair of earphones!

irris - heheeee... very impt, hor, such considerations?

watie - i shall just accept the fact and grow old gracefully. :) when i ask my teenage nephew/nieces-in-law about the latest pop music scene, they can rattle off a whole list of favourite singers and groups which are totally alien to me!

Azlifah Afizukil said...

Hey babe...not old fogey lah...juz a mummy thing. My phone now got barney songs and sesame street songs...basically a moving playhouse disney channel.

tea tea said...

i wonder if u'd still look 20 at 40? hmmmm... ko ni queen of youth la..tak kisah ler abt the number! haha!

nad makhuda said...

az - my daughter's source of entertainment now is my wallet. she'll take out everything and put them back inside and take out and put back inside and take out... easy entertainment but i need to do stockcheck frequently to make sure that everything's still there!

tea - at the rate i'm not taking care of my skin, i'll most probably look 60 when i'm 40. that's my resolution once i hit 30 - to be more diligent in skincare. ;)

izadnhana Ismail said...

huda's learning young on the beauty of credit cards hehee!
selalu tgk u shop on internet nii...