Monday, May 14, 2007


Picking up all the little bits of dry leaves and grass gave her much joy.

What happened in April?

Rashida welcomed us to her new home in Tampines where I met her nieces and nephews who reminded me so much of the rambunctious lot I meet on Sundays.

Yati and Fahmy dropped by. Huda received something that actually kept her occupied for hours!! (I've almost given up buying her toys because sometimes, she doesn't even care to look at her new toy.)

Then, I started my new exercise regime - a hike up the hill ever morning with Huda. It lasted three mornings.

And then there was that trip to Desaru. Desaru was very, very nice! There's so much to do there. We wish we had gone with the entire family so that we could get extra hands to keep Huda occupied while we jet-ski-ed or played pool (would have been my maiden attempt!) or go-kart-ed. But a dip in the pool with Huda was very fun too!

The month ended with a night at Dan&Ju's but unlike those days long gone, 9.30pm saw goodbyes and see-you-soons. A child really changes your life in all ways. :)


izadnhana Ismail said...

WOAHH! now i see a potential mountain climber there! :D

izadnhana Ismail said...

haha!! bet she'll go for another round even if the cat tries to scratch her!

izadnhana Ismail said...

ahh try that on a REAL road. now THAT'S fun! wheee~

Misdawati Misty said...

huda looks so cute.... errrr... mak die pun cute jugak.. kekeekkee.. i can never wear tudung other than in black.. dunoe why eh.. but u look swit in pink..

Misdawati Misty said...

diz is d toy??? hahaaha.. sumtyms kid.. d simpler it is d beta.. aqil likes 2 play wif plastic lauk.. i will blow it up.. n tie it on his walker.. dat kept him bz for like more den an hour.. hahhahha

Misdawati Misty said...

isk.. da lame sey i tak swimming,, i prefer d swimming pool.. coz dulu mandi laut.. kaki pernah treluka.. so da serik.. hahha

nad makhuda said...

anak sorang ni, kekadang rasa macam i'm raising tarzan.

and, oh yessss... you'll see me on the roads going at 10km/h soon (insyaAllah!). i passed my basic theory oredi. my tutor was my younger sister - who is too young to get a license herself. hahaaa! now i need her to read the final theory book so that she can tell me what it's all about.

watie - pasal kaler tudung kan - dulu2 pun, there was a time when i only wore black. but after a loooong time, i started wearing tudungs in all colours. but, i'm also one of those people who's totally clueless about fashion lah. so, i also dunno if the colour match me or not. anyhow whack only. :)

pasal swimming - i prefer the sea. dulu2 masa kecik2, my parents would take us to ECP for a picnic frequently. then i'd just berendam in the sea lah. wah.. shiok! kalau berendam lama2, malam2, bila nak tidur, can still feel the waves. shiok seh. now, the beaches in singapore are always crowded. tak gerek ah.

Misdawati Misty said...

wah.. u bully ur siz ah?? so jahat ah~!!! kakkakaka...

i dun really like swimming sgt.. coz nanti kulit gelap~! i da hitam.. tapi hitam manis ek.. haaahaha..

congrats on u passing d tez... at least upah lah sikit budak tu eh.. da penat2.. agaknye sampai berbuih mulot ajar u.. kakakaka

tea tea said...

she immuned to him already ley...hahah!

tea tea said...

our pleasure! i think she's intrigued by the diff shapes and putting the different shapes into the slot maybe?