Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Pedia Sure?

Today we went to see Huda's neonatologist.

Not surprisingly, Huda is still below the 3rd centile for both height and weight although she's advanced in all other areas. We are grateful for that. Alhamdulillah.

The doctor recommended Pediasure. For the uninitiated, Pediasure is a formula targeted at fussy eaters. Just to recap, Huda is a *very* fussy eater.

The Husband and I decided to introduce it slowly to Huda. Breastfeeding will still go on and the ultimate goal will be to have Huda drink 225ml of Pediasure once a day. Today's target is only 50ml of Pediasure.

We failed.

Huda liked playing with the bottle. She liked sucking from the teat but she absolutely refused to tilt the bottle to ensure that the milk is drunk. We even tried to stuff the bottle in her mouth while she was sleeping but she shook her head this way and that and the vanilla-flavoured formula ended up on the mattress. Oooh... Won't the ants be happy.

So we are revising our target. 25ml daily for the entire week and we'll see how it goes from there. We know it can be done. We just have to be persistent and start distributing ear plugs to all our neighbours within a 2-kilometre radius.

(Kailing, you may want to collect the ear plugs soon. Our feeding session is around 9pm daily.)



izadnhana Ismail said...

at least the ants will be nice and fat!

Misdawati Misty said...

maybe u can try other flavour?? got choc kan?? im sure she will like choc.. she will go.. "ah Milo~!"

nad makhuda said...

hana, dont you have to go to work tomorrow??

watie, i'll try the other flavours if she really doesnt like this one.

Misdawati Misty said...

coz irza prefers drinking milk choc.. rather than white choc.. i tried stuffing it in her mouth.. she puke it all away.. she's been drinking choc milk since age 1..

izadnhana Ismail said...

workkkk... but im a zombie. :p

u can get free samples of other FMs also tau, when u think u're ready to wean. just call up the FM companies and they're more than happy to send it to u ha ha.

damn cow's milk. (i'm still biased.)

nad makhuda said...

watie - tengok dulu macamane lah. huda doesnt really like to drink milk from a bottle. she likes it straight from the source.

hana - i dunno how you survive at work with so little sleep. a ah. i heard about that. i'll call up abbots and ask for samples of plain and choc flavour. see which one she likes. dumex once called and asked if i wanted samples. sampai sekarang sample belum datang. postman kebas kut?

izadnhana Ismail said...

hehee, dumex so cheap, dun need samples, satu pack $7 ke apa gitu. :p
but yahh that time i called abbott for a tin of gain IQ pon tak sampai2! a few mths later they called again and i complained, baru dapat.
im still not fully convinced of this whole FM business actually, truth be told. if only we have wet nurses as an option. (i'd quit my job and be one - charge high-high of coz! huahuaa.)

nad makhuda said...

wet nurses - i think there may just be a demand for it. tapi leceh lah. nanti anak nak kahwin susah. tak boleh kahwin si dekni, si dektu pun tak boleh sebab sama ibu susuan.. very jialat one.
cheh.. dumex so cheap and postman pun nak kebas??? aiseymann.. i think i'm gonna start calling all the companies for samples cos i intend to wean her off by the end of this year. sob sob.

izadnhana Ismail said...

IF she wants to be weaned off... HAH! good luck.. ;) i think girls are harder to wean off. i think lah.
the only surefire way is... to get preggers again! wuaahaha!

wet nurses - hmm, mebe we must create like a database liddat lah. eh, what's the hukum (?) for marrying a sibling susuan anyway? will their children come out as mutants or something...?

Elizabeth Choo said...

I oso added a little milo for the taste...

nad makhuda said...

hana - sibling susuan takleh kawen each other. kalau tak salah, to qualify as sibling susuan, mesti minum susu mak susuan at least 5 times. jadi kalau nak sample2 aje, tak kira ah.

nad makhuda said...

bird - huda likes milo too!! a few times, i was drinking milo and she pulled and pulled the cup from my hand.

then again, i think, she likes whatever which i'm drinking. just now, i was drinking milk and she wanted some of that too. hmm.. i think i gotta drink her pediasure to make it more attractive to her.

Elizabeth Choo said...

Hahahaha that's possible...not...you think they dun know it's their milk.... i did that trick too but it din work!

Elizabeth Choo said...

Oh ya just saw ur bankok tirip....so happening! while we are in sch sloggin now cos its the exam period u enjoyin urself!!! Shiok ar!!!!!!

nad makhuda said...

bird - didnt work on emma, did it? sigh. kids are just too smart lah.

and .. heheee... i was thinking of how it must be exam period now and all the checking of the papers, counter checking, excel, checking excel, cockpit, checking cockpit, check check check.

i am grateful. :)

mrs shafei z said...

my dd is small sized too for her age and our paed also recommended pediasure. she def prefers choc flavour. but after a bout of flu last week, she only drank pediasure 40-70ml. alternatively, you can try adding milo but it can be a bit heaty so must monitor her poop. :D You can try adding ghee and sunflower seeds (both organic preferably) to her meals to give that extra fat. hope that helps.

nad makhuda said...

hi nortynorty!

the problem is, she hates the bottle. and today, i discover, she hates pediasure vanilla.

she was begging me for the milk i was drinking and she was like a vulture, the way she wanted more of the milk. when i replaced it with pediasure (chilled! just like the milk i was drinking!!), she made a face and crawled away - far, far away. i just received the chocolate sample and will try that tomorrow.

(bird, you are so right about this)

mrs shafei z said...

if she hates the bottle, maybe try with straws...the more colourful, the better. :D actually pediasure taste sucky cos ive tasted it...*bleargh!*. it's a wonder my dd can drink it. haha.

Azlifah Afizukil said...

Eh my nephew oso takes Pediasure...actualli, maybe i shud oso take it! got adult version not?