Monday, May 14, 2007

Sawadee Kap

We kena ketuk-ed by this tuk tuk driver. 100 Baht for a very short distance. But, I suppose it was for the experience of a lifetime.

We couldn't say this to all those who said this to us. Somehow, we felt that our tone was just so wrong. We only dared to go 'Sawadee kap' on the last day when we thought we got it right.

So we went to Bangkok last week on a whim. The Husband's leave was confirmed and off we went. I was rather apprehensive at first and ensured that we were well-insured before the trip. There was the obvious traffic jams along which came heavy pollution and of course, the political instability and the bomb that went off just days before our trip.

But, all the worrying was unnecessary. We enjoyed ourselves and we'll definitely be there again (when our Automatic Shopping Stopper is all grown up, perhaps).

Our Auto Shopping Stopper kicked into action from Day 2 onwards.

The first day we were there, we went to Mah Boon Krong and our little darling slept peacefully in her stroller after we've had our lunch. We went from floor to floor but did not do much damage to our bank balance (yet).

The next day, we went to Bobei Tower - a place which reminded me a bit of Pasir Panjang Wholesale Market (but they sell clothes, not vegetables). Kids clothes are plentiful! But my auto shopping stopper started to whine and get uncomfortable so we had to go back to the hotel.

That night, we went to Suan Lum night bazar and my, oh my(!!), there are a million pretty, pretty stuff there! I figured that if we ever move house, I'll chuck everything out and get everything for the new house from Suan Lum. Unfortunately, as usual, our auto shopping stopper started to fret and we headed back to our hotel.

The next day, we went to Chatuchak Weekend Market. We started off really early as everyone told us that Huda may not be able to withstand the heat. But, it wasn't really hot. The sun was hidden behind the clouds the whole morning and Huda didn't even whine one bit. It was her parents who had to put up the white flag and surrender. Our legs were killing us (thank you, lack-of-exercise).

In the afternoon, we trawled the area around Pratunam and we saw the cutest of twins. There were these tiny little angmoh twins, who look no more than 4 months. They had the chubbiest of cheeks and they were the centre of attention. I found myself squealing when I saw them. I wish I had taken picures because they actually looked like dolls. But, being a shameless parent, I say that the only one who can surpass them in cuteness is my litle doll. Yes, she may stop us from shopping but she's the most adorablest of all babies - especially when she's sleeping - like now.

Coming back to our hedonistic shopping trip, we went to MBK again in the evening. Do I need to say why we went back? To shop til we drop.

The next morning, we went back to Chatuchak. Heh heh.

And then, it was time to go.

Huda refused to sit during take-off and landing. While she was well-behaved during our flight to and from Lombok a few months back, she refused to sit without a fierce struggle this time round. This made me very grateful that we have decided to postpone our trip to that faraway place which would otherwise take place this June. Whew!


Misdawati Misty said...

hahaha.. besar nye belon tu~!!!

Misdawati Misty said...

hahahahha.. kene ketukkkkk kape??? kakaka.. btw nice family pix.. :-)

Misdawati Misty said...

oh......... no wonder~!!!! if i were him.. i'd go bonkers too... haha

izadnhana Ismail said...

huda jet lag kot? LOL!

anyway, it's great to expose her to travelling at this age! i fully support it. (not financially, just err, morally. hehe!)

wish i'd done more travelling too, especially when still BFing! so senang rite? one is still manageable. kalau 2 or more, err... sentosa, perhaps? sawadee krap!

Maz Asra said...

wow! have been wanting to go bangkok....I'm sure you enjoyed yrself there!

~ Love Chombi ~ said...

hi sis.. bangkok is a heaven place for shopping ..btw nak tanya where is the baobei tower? everytime i gie bkk i always end up kat pratunam and mah boon kroong, suan lum.. but actually kan suan lum is ex.. the new pratunam and mah boon kroong also ex. as compare to the old pratunam. how you feel abt chatuchat.. always got no time to shop there ah.. heheh can share with me the hotel and muslim makan place? i always stay at first hotel cos got muslim food.and asia hotel ...

tea tea said...

i wanna go bkk againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!

tea tea said...

kat mana ni? mbk nyer food court eh?

tea tea said...

oh yes, very charming and creative indeed!

tea tea said...

at least khairuman take pictures..kalau fahmy, taking pictures is like A BIG NOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOO.... susah betul nak amik gambar...hurhur....

tea tea said...

haha! so cute!!

tea tea said...

alah bolehlah...for the experience.. :)

tea tea said...

u got prob finding ur way here? if not, bravo!!!!!

nad makhuda said...

watie - the entire floor was filled with all my husband's favourite toys. it's a techie's dream!

hana - now is the time to travel! she's still on breastmilk, under 2 (so still considered infant by airlines) and most importantly, there's only one of her. another good reason to travel - i can go during non peak period this year!

maznie - you can definitely go! only thing you gotta do is confirm your leave and your husband's! go! go! go!!!

nani - bobei tower - we found it on the map. get the thaiways map from the airport. it's a very comprehensive map. we took a taxi from our hotel. we told the doorman where we wanted to go and he made sure that the taxi driver knew how to get there. we stayed at centrepoint petchburi service apt. it is good and spacious and most importantly, there's a kitchenette for me to cook porridge for the little one. as for halal makan places, there's mak yah at petchburi soi 16. at chatuchak, there are at least 2 - one at section 16 and another at 18. at most of the food courts, there's at least one halal stall so it's really not difficult getting food.

yati - without your comprehensive guide, we would be clueless!! that ali's cuisine is at mbk but it's on the 5th floor which is the upmarket food court. we only realised there's another food court with halal food on the 6th floor after we've spent about 500baht on the food there. finding mak yah wasn't that tough. we followed the map, after which we berangan nak masuk amazing race because we're such good map-readers. hahaaa!!

~ Love Chombi ~ said...

nad, can share with me how much you pay for the centrepoint petchburi service apt? ada rooms ke or is like hotel? like if first hotel the rate is abt S$50++..btw is the location jauh from shopping area?hehe can share also the comprehensive guide..will do this on my next trip to bangkok...

nad makhuda said...

nani - i paid $86/night for centrepoint petchburi. location is okay. taxi to mbk costs less than 50baht. the room is huge but there are no separate rooms. maybe because we took the 1 bedroom + 1 kitchenette. i think there are 2bedrooms + 1 kitchen. as for the guide, i'll ask my friend if it's okay to forward her email to you than i email you, okay?

Azlifah Afizukil said...

ooh...bird was rite! we were sooo busy sloggin in skool n u enjoyin!! haiz...i'm soooo gonna take NPL too IF i decide to give Alisya a sibling...IF lah k...IF!