Monday, March 26, 2007

Marching On

Many moons have passed and this page has not changed. So here are random pictures from the first quarter of the year.


Misdawati Misty said...

waduh.. selim melim eh naddy~! jealuz nyerrrr aku.. nie mesti meet up during aafreen's bdae party tau~!

Misdawati Misty said...

haha.. takya pakai baby carrier.... save duet mak die.. bole lebih shopping lah mcm nie.. :-)

Misdawati Misty said...

begini cara dia mandi kah?? hehehheeeehee so cute lah.... mcm jack-in-the-box ..... ciaaaaaaakkkkk...

nad makhuda said...

eh, jangan tertipu! ini optical illusion. dokong budak kat depan tu is part of the illusion. ;)

nad makhuda said...

Ini cara orang malas mandikan anak. Heh. Senang. Can wash the clothes on her back at the same time. :)

nad makhuda said...

watie, inilah cara paling senang nak mandikan anak. best for lazy people always looking out for shortcuts like me! hehee.

nad makhuda said...

kekekee! tapi bayangkan camne nak pegi shopping kalau tangan dah penuh angkat dia dalam bende ni? shopping kirim salam aje lah.

Misdawati Misty said...

maksod i... save duet takya beli baby carrier mahal2.. leh simpan duet tu buat mak die shopping~! LOL...

izadnhana Ismail said...

eh eh ada rambut! gorgeous memang! (ok lah, maknye oso k... hurhurr)

izadnhana Ismail said...

girls will be girls! forget the balloon, dolls it shall be! *rowwrr*

izadnhana Ismail said...

and so you passed hor? :D

izadnhana Ismail said...

ok now i know what ur mummy's been up to since she's home 24/7... ur daddy'd better take her out more often, lol!

nad makhuda said...

actually hor, that's the babirusa enclosure. somehow, they dont want to be pictured with me. hohoo! they are the gorgeous ones!

izadnhana Ismail said...

binatang hapa tu babirusa? pig deer??

nad makhuda said...

suku sakat dia lah. i dont think the poor animal even has an english name. dia punya badan macam a pygmy hippo tapi dia punya hidung macam oink oink. very dashing.

nad makhuda said...

notchet take the test also. end of april. mampos aku. every time i try to study - havent used that word for so long seh - i'll have a little munchkin who'll grab my pencil and paper and book. how to pass like this?

tea tea said...

nad, kau betul2 nyer instant la!!! hahaa

tea tea said...

huda's already 1 rite!! Happy belated 1st yr birthday huda!! tak buat birthday ker utk huda?

tea tea said...

so motherly!! heheh

tea tea said...

ciannyer dia....

tea tea said...

so fun to have girls...can dress them in pink!! sumer pakai pink sweeeeeeeeeeeeet!! bapak huda skali pakai pink!!

izadnhana Ismail said...

aiyah, then tell her to go take on mummy's behalf lah!

tea tea said...

are the things at mid valley megamall reasonably cheap? I STILL haven't been to KL , since i was 12!!! aku sungguh jakun!

Ana mn said...

I tot it was you! u sisters really look alike...maybe it's the angle of the photo.

nad makhuda said...

yati, things in KL are generally cheaper. except for imported goods. but, when they have a sale, alamaaaakk.. takleh handle ah. aku ada hilang self-control sket kat guess kids. 70% off. puas hati kita. mmm. i mostly bought stuff for huda.

actually, we went there to pig out lah. so we did that a lot too.

you should go kl lah before you take another long journey.

nad makhuda said...

yup! she turned one in kl!

buat birthday party? u want to be the party planner? kita mak bapak relak rabak, cuma tahu pergi orang lain punya party aje. kekekekeeeeee...

nad makhuda said...

not the angle of the photo lah. my sister is a photocopy of me. (not the other way round, okay?)

and, did i tell you she's a whole 12 years younger than me? *ahem ahem*

i've always known i can pass off as a 13 year-old pre-pubescent girl.