Thursday, March 29, 2007

Night Out

Except for 2 work-related dinner that I had to attend last year, I have not been without Huda whenever I go out for dinner.

Until tonight.

Last week, Adeline suggested a meet-up.

Since husbands were not involved and it was to be done outside (as in, not somebody's house), I thought, I couldn't possibly have Huda with me if I wanted to have a decent conversation.

Husband said: No problem. I can take care of her. Go enjoy your night out.

It was only two hours but it was my first time (in a looooooooong time) having dinner without The Little Girl trying to jump out of her high chair, bawling her lungs out because I took the fork away from her.


It was liberating.


I planned to reach home by 9.45pm so that I can nurse her to sleep.

I called the Husband and asked if I needed to run back (which is much faster than waiting for the bus or taxi) or if I had enough time to wait for the bus. He said, wait for the bus. Bus came and reached its stop.

I hopped off the bus and rushed up the stairs.

The house was quiet.

There was no sign of The Active Little Girl.

"She's sleeping?"

"Yes," the Husband whispered, with just a hint of pride.


It's unbelievable! Another record-breaking moment! The first time she went to sleep without me having to breastfeed her!!


So, I think I can do this more often. Maybe once or twice a month, eh, Husband?


Ai Li Tay said...

sure =) u organise

izadnhana Ismail said...

YES! you definitely can. :))

good girl, huda!

they all kan, actually manja onli... padahal boleh go to sleep without the Teks!
looks like you just may have an easier time when it's time to wean... just get daddy's help. :)

nad makhuda said...

aili, a few weeks from now? go to that place that we wanted to go near yc's mum's place? another girls night out? this is sooo exciting! (i sound so deprived, don't i?)

nad makhuda said...

hana, yeah lor. all this while she eksyen oli lah.

i think the daddy can also help in sleep-training. (i didn't include how he could withstand her 45 minutes of crying and whimpering.)

could it actually be true? unbroken nights of sleep coming soon?

i'm getting delirious with excitement!!

Misdawati Misty said...

hehhehehe.. as she gets older... maybe she oso doenst notice mak die kuar merayap... hehhee.. like me~!

izadnhana Ismail said...

wei, she still wakes up at nite for tekmilk? or to play??
uh ohh... officer, pls train your recruit, pronto!

nad makhuda said...

watie, hopefully one day, when i've successfully sleep-trained her!

hana, she wakes up for susutek lah. i'm unwilling to give up the night feeds cos i want to fatten her up. also because i cannot stand the crying. just shove the breast into her mouth each time she cries. i think i need to go on a 3d2n banyan tree resort thingamajig while the husband trains her to sleep through the night. if not successful after 3 days, i will just *have to* extend my holiday. hmmm.