Friday, March 30, 2007

Phantom of the Opera

Maybe there's something that I totally did not get. But why do people fear the Phantom's face so much? He's not all that grotesque. The bad patch he had looked like a very, very severe acne case.

And when Christine removed the Phantom's mask, everyone in the audience gasped. Did everyone in the past have telescopic eyesight? From so far away, they could see the ridges on Mr Phantom's face?

Am I missing anything here?

(I normally bug Mr Husband about these things but, at 1.28am now, Mr Husband is asleep. Ah yes, he has to wake up early in the morning to go to work.)


Misdawati Misty said...

Kalau for me... i takot dgr lagu die... kakkakaka.. mlm2 kalau dgr.... kekekkekekeke.. bulu roma naek..

izadnhana Ismail said...

uh oh, i smell a late-night blogger in the making... :D

nad makhuda said...

watie only the middle part was a wee bit frightening - when the phantom first made his appearance in christine's mirror. lepas tu, dah okay. i was annoyed with the phantom, actually. he's really not that ugly. if he wants, he can just go out into the world. tapi, kalau dia buat gitu, tak jadi cerita lah, kan? (aku ni memandai je nak jadi director)

hana, late night blogger? unlikely lah. i normally sleep by 11 or 12. but, the husband just bought the phantom dvd, so i watched it lor. then after watching, i cant get it out of my head. should have watched a brainless romantic comedy instead ah.

Arlynn Ahmad said...

nad, it's 1.28 am and you are thinking of these qns? hmmm.... i'd opt for a brainless romantic comedy anytime! hehe..

nad makhuda said...

arlynnz, yeah lor. buang brain cells aje, eh?