Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Sick Story

Fever yesterday.

Diarrhoea today.

What's the menu for tomorrow, I wonder?

Good health, please! My milk supply is taking a beating!


tea tea said...

oh nos! sounds like stomach flu..get well soon nad!

Ana mn said...

Oh dear. Get well soon!

Azlifah Afizukil said...

Dah baik lom?

nad makhuda said...

i thot i'm okay liao. was still feeling a bit queasy up to yesterday. but, somehow, last night, my bottom became like 7-11's mr slurpee's dispenser. haiyooooohhh.. now the queasiness is gone because things are going out from the bottom. tomorrow i'm going on my first leg of my holiday leh! like this, how? holiday inside the hotel's toilet?