Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Notes to Self

1. If taking the bus, make sure that the bus tickets are brought along.

2. Make sure that everyone in the party has passports which are valid for at least 6 months.

3. First Coach is excellent. Always use the bus service from now on.

4. There is no need to be at the bus station one hour (or more) before departure. 15 minutes is enough. The rest of the time can be spent on more shopping.


Azlifah Afizukil said...

Oh God, did someone 4got the bus tickets??? Suspense lah ur story! LOL

nad makhuda said...


note number 5:

Never let anyone who has given birth in the past one year be in charge of the tickets.

tea tea said...

tertinggal bus tickets?! i will be kancheong spider man!!!

nad makhuda said...

tell me about it! i was one kancheong spider! nasib baik adik aku tak ikut and there's a set of keys to my house at my mom's place. it was one major drama after another, this trip to kl. then, my younger brother almost couldnt get in cos his passport expiring in february. and more drama while checking into the hotel. but after all those dramamama moments, it was shopping and eating, full stteam ahead!