Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Lombok, December 2006

Seduced by the photos in www.quncivillas.com - especially the outdoor shower, we found ourselves in Lombok. And, yes, we got the room with the outdoor shower, which overlooked the sea. We couldn't ask for a better place. The staff at Qunci Villas provided excellent service. The people in Lombok were charming - even the taxi drivers. It was a truly relaxing holiday.

(There are not many pictures. We didn't do much; we slept, ate and went to the beach or the pool. It was a relaxing vacation. I don't think you want to see a series of photos featuring the three of us doing all these things in different outfits. Enjoy these photos and go to Qunci Villas!)


Ana mn said...

Aww look at her...look at the flower...look at the pose. She's so adorable! Must be the mum who dolled her up.

Ana mn said...

This is my ideal holiday! Doing nothing except for admiring nature. How much did it cost per person?

ChubbyChubb Izah said...

Baiknye duduk...

ChubbyChubb Izah said...

She's VOGUE!

ChubbyChubb Izah said...

Both very cheerful...sweet!

ChubbyChubb Izah said...

Very nice room...ader cot lagi hehe

ChubbyChubb Izah said...

She's enjoying her dip...hehe

tea tea said...

wow! model in the making!! woohoooooo! so cuteness la!

tea tea said...

i is so jeles! u know wat's my wallpaper for my pc? lombok resort overlooking the sea!! i've been having it since like 8 months ago but i've not reached there yet! nvmind next year....

glad u had a great time!

nad makhuda said...

i just happened to snap the pic in time before she changed her pose.nasib baik camera aku ni laju sket dia punya shutter speed.

anyway, the cost - the flight to lombok was the costly bit. everything else was okay. flight to lombok for the 3 of us - about S$900. and we only stayed for 3 days. macam tak muai, eh?

nad makhuda said...

only for a few seconds leh. she was wriggling like a worm throughout the entire flight. boleh pengsan mak dia!

nad makhuda said...

yati, kau musti pergi!!! it's soooooooo beautiful!! it looks exactly like the pictures on the website - can u imagine that? and try to request for room 9. that's our room and i think that's the best room in the place. absolutely gorgeous. *sigh*

izadnhana Ismail said...

where did her mentelness come from ah?? ;D

aiyohh, qunci shd pay u to put this pic as an ad for their resort!

izadnhana Ismail said...

is she trying to wriggle her way into the water? heee.

izadnhana Ismail said...

EH EHH, now that u put a pic of them together like that, they're a spitting image. huda anak bapak ye!

izadnhana Ismail said...

did the cot cost extra?

izadnhana Ismail said...

but OF COURSE! i can imagine mine doing the same thing. and terrorise all the flight attendants and other passengers too.

nad makhuda said...

must be from her father lah. tsk tsk. ;P

nad makhuda said...


yes. huda - according to my own parents - "100% muka khairuman"


apa nak buaaaat.. huda didnt want the prettier face. keh keh keh.

anyway, itu cot thrown in for free. i wish i could have it. it's real wood. so, even if huda were to prison-break her way out of the cot, at least she'll be having all-natural stuff in her.

Arlynn Ahmad said...

The water looks pretty inviting? Weren't you just tempted to jump in, Nad?

Azlifah Afizukil said...

Harlow! Oklah...i noe i'm sooo overdue wif a reply for this..Boy, do i wish i can take NPL! :oP
Aniwey, now i know where to go relax...ie sleep and eat...sleep and eat...hmm...which is wat you're doing now rite!! Soooo jealous!!!

jennifer tang said...

baby and ya look great in this photo

jennifer tang said...

very model-like le! so sweeeeet!

RENA RAIN said...

wow! I never knew Lombok is a great place for a relaxing holiday. I'd love to go there but my hubby ni ada sikit hyper..mesti nk merayap... but I guess kalau 3 days , I could get him to stay in place. Might consider this as the next trip to go... Thanks for the info...

nad makhuda said...

sharena: hahaa! your husband is like mine. he doesnt like resort holidays, actually. but we take turns choosing destinations, so he has no choice lor.