Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Kuala Lumpur, December 2006

In the past, a 3-day-2-night trip to our all-time-favourite holiday destination would suffice. Now, with a kid in tow, that is just not enough for all the eating and shopping that must be done.


tea tea said...

wow! ur whole family went!! bestnyerrrrr!!

tea tea said...

huda..huda...mcm ku nak cubit cubit jer!! gerramm seh!!

nad makhuda said...

almost the entire family went. the newlyweds + afif couldn't make it due to work.

going with so many people was great cos there was always somebody who wanted to entertain and amuse huda. (senaaaang mak bapak huda...)

Ana mn said...

You sisters look alike, man.

nad makhuda said...

adik aku tu - she copies my face. no originality hor?

nad makhuda said...

adik aku tu - she copies my face. no originality, hor?

nad makhuda said...

adik aku tu - she copies my face. no originality, hor?