Friday, February 24, 2017

The Boy

Since the hives are keeping me awake (see previous post) and I need to keep my fingers busy so as not to scratch them, I shall update this blog on TheBoy.

TheBoy now is 2 years, 6 months old.

Fully weaned off. Hooray for it but feeling somewhat nostalgic also. He has also stopped waking up at night for milk but still wakes up for other reasons - mostly to get me to sleep beside him. Which I do because I value peace and quiet in the middle of the night. Most nights, I start off sleeping in my own bed but sometime in the middle of the night, I find myself in TheBoy's bed.

It's not that I want to toilet train him at this age. I'm not exactly the most diligent momma in this area. I avoid toilet training for as long as possible because I really, really, really am not a fan of most public toilets.

When showering him sometimes, he would squat down to pee. Each time, he commented, "Macam R--- Z---, kan?" Just like his cousin who is 9 months older than him. Back story: 2 weeks ago, he was showering in the toilet when his cousin needed to use the toilet urgently. (You don't deny a toddler his toilet.) So he saw his cousin pee and ever since that, he mentions his cousin whenever he pees.

The half-hearted toilet-training started. A couple of times, he peed in the toilet. (2 accidents so far though.) Yesterday, he pooped in the toilet too. Not having to clean buttocks smeared in squashed poop is really something.

However, we are not going to go full-on diaperless mode just yet. This toilet training is still in its infancy. I'm doing it for a few hours each day. When we go out, it will still be diapers.

TheBoy has been watching Sesame Street daily. Yup. The Big Bad TV. It started off as something to distract him before he goes to school each day. When his eyes are glued on the TV, I feed him an early lunch. Everything in the bowl disappears when he's watching Big Bird and friends. But the season ended and there was no more Sesame Street at 10.30am on Okto. Thank God for Youtube! On days when he goes to school, he watches it at 10.15am. On non-schooldays, viewing starts from 11.30am.

Has he learnt much from Sesame Street? I doubt so. He knows that my favourite character is Count. His is Elmo. I also found some old scenes involving Mr Johnson/Fat Blue with Grover the incompetent waiter. I love those scenes! I showed some of them to TheGirls who enjoyed it as much.

What I like most about Sesame Street is how real the characters are. I like that there is Oscar who's always grouchy. Telly, who's always anxious. I find him a touch annoying but if we want our children to be accepting of others, they have to know that these characters and feelings exist. I do not like shows in which everyone is happy and sunshine-y all the time. Like that purple dinosaur show. Yucks. I do have quite a bit of Oscar in me, actually.

Unfortunately, there are not many full episodes on youtube. Why? In fact, it's quite difficult looking for full episodes of sesame street on the internet. I will soon finish watching all the available good quality full episodes available on youtube. After that, what? Sigh.

Hives on arms are less itchy now. The ones on thighs and calves still itch though. Hoping for some peppermint oil to numb the itch so that I can sleep now. Like Big Bird says, toodle-loo!

(Maybe that's a subliminal message to all little kids watching to go to the loo. Maybe that's why Ihsan's toilet training is seemingly effortless.)

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