Friday, February 24, 2017


Woke up at 1am in the morning, scratching like a monkey. It's the hives again. Little raised bumps, some red, some not. Some merge together to form bigger raised bumps. All itchy as &^$#!


I've been getting them for a few hours a day since mid December. Given up trying to rule out possible causes.

I've seen a doctor for it where I was given Cetrizine, a supposedly non-drowsy antihistamine. Nope. Not for me. I had it twice so far. On both occassions, I could barely get up the next morning. One of the mornings, TheHusband woke me up telling me it was 6.20. Nothing registered; I went back to sleep. (Cannot leh. I am housewife. Housewife must be awake to prepare household for a new day.) But the effect was good. Within an hour or so, the hives stopped . 

I have an allergy patch test coming up in May. Hopefully, that will reveal the exact cause of the hives. 

For now, I can only hope to stop myself from scratching the hives too much whenever they appear. Trimmed my fingernails short. Applied peppermint oil. But I still wake up the next morning with scratches here and there. Sigh. 

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