Monday, October 03, 2016

Packing Time

In slightly less than 7 weeks, we should be making our way to our new place. (If I happen to die within the next 7 weeks, this sentence will take on a whole new meaning.)

Our boxes will come sometime next week, courtesy of the sister-in-law. (I owe her $30 for 30 boxes. Very good deal!)

We have some boxes here and I am supposed to start packing.


I wish it is as simple as dumping things into boxes. But noooooooo. That's not the case. I have so many things that I don't need. Maternity clothes - I'm waiting patiently for the younger sister to get pregnant. Then off that whole box goes. My clothes - I keep on wearing the same 4 or 5 tops. But my wardrobe is full! I need to get rid of stuff. Lots of stuff. Thank God for the Internet. It's now a lot easier to give things away. And we havent even started on Bedroom 3 which has long become a Big Storeroom. Oh gawd!

What a headache!


Anonymous said...

So exciting ur move!! Another new chapter in ur life! But its more convenient rite with ur gals' school just a stone throw away.

The things I hv hoarded over the years hv become unbelievable. And there are only 3 of us. I dont know how i did it. - yati

nad said...

Tell me about hoarding!! I have been hoarding teaching resources but I know I absolutely have to throw away many many many of them. Yesterday, I managed to junk about 2 huge piles but those 2 piles barely made a dent in the huge stockpile of resources i have. Boohoohoo!

And that's only teaching resources. Banyak lagi bende yang aku hoard. Huargh!