Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Period

And this is about my period.

Immediately after implanon, my period was spotty for about 4 months.

Then, there was none. The absence of period was much welcome.

As someone who's trying to be a better Muslim, I could perform a lot of extra ibadah. And the absence of any interruptions meant that it was easy to be consistent in all these extras.

Then a year or so later, my period came back. When it came back, it came back with a vengeance. 20-day long periods (only 15 are counted), spotting here and there. Then a very brief dry spell before it starts again. Argh!

Sometimes the heart yearns to read the Quran but it is not quite possible to do so.

It is a bit of a challenge to have that istiqomah in your ibadah when the interruptions are so frequent. But as with all challenges in life, Allah knows best. As a woman and a wife and a mother, Allah has made it easy for us to enter jannah.

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