Saturday, September 24, 2016

Tales of An Addict

It is now 3.30am.

At 11.30pm, we went to Alazhar where I had naan and, despite TheHusband's raised eyebrow, teh tarik.

By 1.30am, I felt sleepy. Good good, maybe the teh was had too late in the night for it to take its effect.

I lay down. I closed my eyes.  Suddenly, my mind became so awake.  At the back of my eyelids, various movies were playing. A dolphin morphed into a frog and started jumping from cliff to cliff.  The sun melted away and became a pool of molten hot lava.
I'm not getting any sleep at this rate.

I opened my eyes, closed them, tossed, turned.

Nope. No sleep.

Will this put me off tea? Of course not.

3.36am. Still no sleep.

TheHusband, whom I adore, is sleeping like a baby. The Baby has only woken up once. Both girls, whom I smother with kisses when they are asleep, are deep in dreamland.  And I am up, in this caffeine-induced state, wondering if it's a good idea to start preparing breakfast now.

3.40am. Maybe I'll just soften the butter first.  And maybe,  I should avoid caffeine after 2pm like I told myself many moons ago.


Anonymous said...

U know i had many sleepless nights when i ate my teh tarik cake, like 2 slices per day. And yes i love teh tarik! MAJOR LOVE! Like u, its a must to hv teh tarik. Tapi tuhl, mind refused to shut down at night.-yati

nad said...

Haha! I never knew you were a fellow addict! Now, i limit myself to one cup in the morning. I'll take little sips throughout the morning. Then petang2, no matter what, must resist temptation!