Thursday, July 12, 2012

Two Lines

One day in June, we were in the kitchen and Farah patted my round tummy.

Huda: Mak, ada apa kat dalam? (Mak, what's inside?)

Me: Lemak (Fats)

Farah: (Completely ignoring what I said)  Babyyyyyyyyyyyy! Baby! Baby! Baby!

She then went on to kiss my tummy, claiming that she was kissing the baby inside.


Then I found myself thinking of bread and buns and other yeasty matters as repulsive. They made me unbearably bloated and uncomfortable.

Later on, there was an unexplainable backache.

I developed a craving for all things beef. I just had to have the spaghetti + beef steak at Block 26, Teck Whye Lane. 

When my period didn't come, I knew it. 

But, I still took a week to take the test. I suppose because I already knew.

And it was positive. 


25 July 2012

Now, I'm in Week 8. I'm uncomfortable, vomiting foamy saliva, bile and feeling generally miserable. Why must morning sickness be so horrid? 

I will try to chart my pregnancy diligently, similar to what I did for my pregnancy with Farah. But, now, all I want is for this episode to be over and into a vomit-free second trimester.


Ana mn said...

Wow! Congrats Nad!!! Maybe it's a boy this time;-)

Ana mn said...

Wow! Congrats Nad!!! Maybe it's a boy this time;-)

nad makhuda said...

Thanks, Rohana. the kids are fighting over the gender of the baby. Huda insists that it's a boy while Farah wants a girl. Either way, one child will be disappointed.

tea tea said...

Congratz nad! i was like tt too then with hazim, the metallic taste was so strong, lotsa saliva. so u''ve more cravings now, specific cravings compared to your first-two pregnancies?? wait, how come the date if 25 April 2012? U mean it to be 25 July 2012 rite? nvmind, preggy lady, can be excused. hehe.

Take care!

and oh, kids they seem to know wen the mummy's preggy even before the mummy knew it themselves. I've heard this far too many times. in ur case farah tau- bingo!

nad makhuda said...

yati - i changed the date! thanks for being so alert!
yes, the metallic taste in the mouth is horrible! i had cravings at the beginning of the pregnancy but at this stage, i just want to vomit the bile and gastric juices out. bluergh.