Wednesday, July 25, 2012

#3: Week 8

25 July 2012

According to various online due date calculators, my due date is either 28 February or 2 March. (I don't know why they skip 1 March)

Like I've said in the earlier entry, at this point, I'm feeling quite miserable. I can't help feeling this way. I am normally positive but having morning sickness all day long is pretty sickening. It sucks to wake up twice a night just to vomit. *wails*

Tomorrow I should be entering Week 9. It took forever to get there! But I don't see the end to the morning sickness in Week 9. Sigh.

I'm going for my gynae's appointment on Saturday. Sticking to my same gynae and same hospital. 


My morning sickness started to get really bad last Friday, just one day after entering Week 8. I was waiting for a cab after school and vomited all over the grass patch. The stuff that comes out is thankfully not food. Just plenty of fluid. Foamy saliva and bile. But, it does feel good for about 30 minutes after a vomiting episode. Unfortunately, it also turns my legs into jelly. 


I was on medical leave on Monday and Tuesday this week. This was my first time taking MC this year. I felt so terrible. So weak. The doctor said that I was dehydrated. I cant take that much water. I can't even take water. I need to sweeten everything before it can get past my throat. I broke my fast on Monday but Tuesday I felt a bit better about continuing my fast. I doubt I can fast much this Ramadhan. 

I don't know how I'm going to survive the rest of Ramadhan and Syawal. I don't think I'll do much visiting or have many guests over this Hari Raya. I'll just have my 2 basic groups of guests: my parents and siblings and TheHusband's dad and siblings. After that, I shall vegetate at home. If my children want to enjoy having guests, they can go to my parents' place. There's no shortage of guests there. 


Farah and Huda have both been so kind to me. Farah will ask me, "Mak, mak sakit?" (Mak, are you sick?") Then she'll kiss my tummy to make me feel better. (So sweet, I can cry.)

Huda has been touching my tummy at every opportunity and she keeps on talking to the baby. Occasionally, she'll put her ears on my tummy to listen to the baby. So cute lor.

Huda insists that the child in the womb is a boy while Farah wants a girl. Huda's rationale is she already has a sister so it's now time for her to have a brother. Farah only wants a girl because she says boys are naughty. (She should take a good look at herself.) 

For me, it doesn't matter. If it's a girl, I chope the name Nuha and if it's a boy, I was thinking of the name Aqil. Incidentally, I asked Huda what should we name the younger sibling and she immediately said, Muhammad Aqil. Of course, all these names have not been approved by TheHusband so we shall see. Unfortunately, my brother already named his daughter Nuha so actually I should think of other names. But, I really like that name! 

They kids knew about my pregnancy after I tested positive for it. The next day, the entire childcare centre knew about it and one of my friends (whose daughter is Huda's best friend) texted me to congratulate me. The girl even told her mother that they must now have a younger sibling as they are best friends and therefore, they should have the same number of siblings. 


The weather now is horrid. It's hot hot hot and it's making me sick just looking out of the window! 



e_ chaya said...

Alhamdulillah. That's fantastic news beb. (tho I sympathize w e morning sickness). Nuhaa I and Nuhaa II?

Ana mn said...

Hope you get better soon. Your kids are so cute. Aqil is a nice name ;-)

tea tea said...

if u remember my entry long long ago, i also did chope the name nuha if i ever have a girl. it was either nuha or farah. how come our taste so alike eh?? hahha! even for hazim, i liked the name so much and u have a student by tt name too then. heheh!

ur gals are so sweet! girls being girls will always hv this innate ability to nurture, no matter how naughty they are, talking abt myself. haha!

Hope you'll feel better over time... take care nad. Hopefully by the time u hit T2 (being realistic here), u'd feel a lot better!!

oh yes, the weather is really terribly hot, i'm having a sore throat right about now.