Sunday, July 31, 2011

Rocky and Friends

Farah loves animals.

Lately, three of our neighbours adopted dogs. She's been waving at these dogs and asking the dogs for their names.

That's how we discovered that one neighbour called her dog Meow Meow. What a strange name for a dog.


This post is one of those meaningless posts. I'm just waiting for TheHusband to come back from tarawih prayers, the special prayers done only on Ramadan nights.  Waiting for him so that I can cook for tomorrow's pre-dawn meal. I forgot to get something just now and I need it for the vegetable dish. (Thank goodness for ShengSiong and their late late closing time!)

Ah yes. With Ramadan here, I'm heading back to the kitchen. I'll be preparing our early morning meals (baked/steamed fish + soupy vegetables). Our meals for breaking of fast will most likely be bought or imported from my mother's kitchen.


Ooookay. TheHusband came home. The dishes are prepared. Going to bed now.

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