Sunday, July 03, 2011

A Week Later

One week has passed since the holidays ended.

A few observations:

1. Work itself is not too bad. This being a new school, there are lots of workshops and courses conducted for the whole school to attend. While I don't like to go home late (my aim in life is to go home asap to spend time with the little kiddies) even if it means I have to tabao my work and do them after the kids have gone to bed, I quite like the workshops I have attended so far. The workshops are truly beneficial and not some random workshops which may not have any bearing on your work in the classroom.

2. I love my time in the classroom. When I was away from the working world, the one thing I missed is the interaction I had with pupils. I attended a school-based workshop this week during which the speaker said, education is about relationships that leave a legacy. I'm not sure about the legacy part but I sure know about the relationships part. That's what education is about, really. Actually, that's what being a teacher is about. It's about building relationships with the pupils so that values can be passed on that much easier. And, of course, along the way, you hope that some English/Math/Science get passed along too. (It definitely has nothing to do with form-filing and work reviews and EPMS forms which I truly detest.)

3. On a less-than-positive note, I'm still grappling with the separation anxiety. :(


Ana mn said...

Wah Cheecher, welcome back. Semangat berkobar kobar.

nad makhuda said...

berkobar-kobar tu tak jugak. but i'm not detesting it (for now). ;)

Liza Ali said...

Nad, whats your cca? I had a hard time picking for irfan over the weekend. ended up letak red cross!! Wahahaha!

nad makhuda said...

swimming. hur hur. but there are coaches lah. it's more a learn-to-swim programme than a programme for kids who want to swim competitively.

tea tea said...

i like this post of urs, i mean on wat being an educator is really about.... :)

think the separation anxiety has lessened now?

nad makhuda said...

yeah lor. that's the biggest thing i picked up from the workshop. it's the essence of teaching, methinks.

the separation anxiety is tolerable now. farah has also stopped shouting for me from the kitchen window. now when i ask her, "kalau farah masuk hospital, sapa nak jaga?" (this is after she attempts to jump off from her chair/bed/table etc), she'll answer dengan muka tak malunya, "nenek."