Tuesday, June 14, 2011

End of An Era

1. I'm going back to work 27 June 2011.

2. I received a call from an em-oh-ee staff and she said that I would be going to * * School. I'm waiting for the official letter to come but less than 2 weeks to my return to the workforce, the official letter has yet to arrive. I'm feeling a bit kancheong now. Should I just call the school or should I wait? I am more inclined to wait because I fear that they would want me to attend various meetings from next Monday onwards. I know it sounds bad but I'm only supposed to go back on 27 June. I'll make a concession and work for free on 1 or 2 weekdays next week. But no more than that.

3. I am concerned that I am terribly out of touch. The last time I stepped into a class was the day I gave birth to Farah. That was February 2009. Syllabus changes happen as frequently as I change Farah's diapers and I'm not too sure if I know even half of what I'm supposed to teach. English, I have no fear. How drastic can changes to EL be? But, Mathematics.

4. Ooops. Did I say I have no fear of English? Salah salah. I'm not sure if I can speak English coherently anymore.

5. Then there's the issue of a new environment. I'm not sure I know how to make friends. (I'm increasingly enjoying becoming a wallflower but I'm afraid it may be taken as a sign of being aloof. And you know what it's like in a social environment. You're either in or you're a weirdo.)

6. And the issue of having to iron clothes to get to work. YUCKS! YUCKS! YUCKS! (I should now go on more shopping trips to find clothes that require no ironing. That's what I always set out to do but then, I stupidly get seduced by pretty clothes that require not just high heat but steam also.)

7. And also the issue of dinner. Do I still cook or do I just tabao everything from everywhere? (I don't like cooking but I like knowing that I'm serving healthy food for the family. And that's my motivation for cooking. I plan to cook, actually. This means I have to do a weekly planning of what-to-cook. Which I often plan to do but hardly ever succeed.)


The holidays are passing by too quickly! It's already the 3rd week of the June holidays. Argh!


Lindah Taib said...

Good luck at the new school! :)

nur azean said...

gee im hvg jitters gng bck to work soon tho its only two weeks away from school for me,i understand how u feel be strong as working mums is not for faint hearted u will survive!

nad makhuda said...

Lindah - thanks! I need tonnes of that!

Azean - I'm lembik lah. Sigh. I really dunno how I'm gonna find time for everything. I'm not sure if I can tahan very long. Let's see how I am in December.

tea tea said...

plan for 3rd one, then go maternity and another npl! Woohoooooooo!

nad makhuda said...

yati - lol! not now lah. baru masuk dah buat exit plan. then again, the last time, that was exactly what i did. hahahaa! must think about H's school when she goes to p1. this one? that one? or the one that's really near my mum's place. fening fening!

Ai Li Tay said...

How has the start of the era been?

irris irris said...

All the best Nad...how did it go? :)

nad makhuda said...

aili & nani - thanks for asking! the new era has been interesting. wish you were there last night, aili! i could have told you a little bit more - all the stuff that's not suitable for a public place. hur hur. :D