Thursday, December 02, 2010

Oven Baked Fries

Farah loves fries. SIGH SIGH SIGH. And I don't like to get fries from fast-food outlets because I have no idea what goes inside the fries. That also means that I rule out the frozen fries from the supermarkets because if you look at the ingredients list, there's a whole lot of stuff that goes in there.

So I searched for a recipe for oven-baked fries which is much healthier than frying them in oil. Actually, my main concern is the frying. I hate frying because after that, I've got to mop the kitchen floor.

This recipe that I found involves some frying but not with 2 litres of oil. Just some oil and butter. And not enough of it to require a wipedown of the kitchen after that.

(Pssst. Just because I don't like fries from fast-food outlets, it does not mean that the kids don't have them.)

4 potatoes; skin removed, cut and soaked in salt water for 15 minutes
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 tablespoons butter
Salt and pepper

In a large skillet heat oil over medium high heat. Add butter and stir until melted. Add potatoes and toss to coat. Cook the potatoes for 10 minutes, occasionally tossing and stirring them. Transfer potatoes to a baking sheet and roast in oven at 400 degrees for another 20 minutes. Bake until potatoes are golden brown and crispy. Season with salt and pepper

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