Tuesday, November 17, 2009

So Kind!!

Yesterday, I went to the library and borrowed 3 books.

I've been going to the library very frequently, about 3-4 times a week. I'll borrow 2-3 books each time.

In the past I would know exactly what I want to read because my reading time and library visits are extremely limited. So, before I went to the library, I would have a list of books/authors that I want to read.

Now, with more free time in my hands (because I don't have to spend my nights doing lesson plans, marking blood-curdling compositions, writing work review etc), I don't need a list. I just pick and choose any book whose cover I fancy, read the first few paragraphs and if engaging enough, I'll borrow the book.

If the book turns out crappy after the first few chapters, I'll just skip the entire middle part and head straight towards the last few chapters (because I need to know how it ends).

So that's me digressing, as always.

Anyway, I borrowed 3 books from the library yesterday.

Then, I boarded the bus, picked up Huda, talked to her teacher (it was Parent-Teacher's Conference; that's another story), then took a cab back because it was going to rain and I didn't have an umbrella (why on earth am I justifying my cab ride to everyone; in any case, most of the time, my cab rides are never justifiable).

I went home, attended to the kids, cooked the vege dish for dinner, bathed the kids, fed the kids, played with the kids, welcomed TheHusband, had dinner, played some more with the kids, changed diapers, brushed the older kids' teeth, breastfed the little kid and then, it was ME-time.

I took my books from my bag and, horrors, there were only 2! Checked the receipt and I did borrow 3 books. Gaaaaaaah!

Just now, I checked my library account and am extremely relieved to see that there were only 2 books in my account. Which means that an extremely good and kind-hearted samaritan had returned one of my books which must have fallen out of my bag somewhere along the way yesterday.

Oh you kind, kind person who returned my book, I wish you all the goodness that life may bring. Thank you, oh nice person!

(My digressing is getting worse. I intended this to be a super short entry with only the first and last 3 paragraphs in it. This is what staying at home does to you, I suppose..)


Liza Ali said...

"Now, with more free time in my hands (because I don't have to spend my nights doing lesson plans, marking blood-curdling compositions, writing work review etc)" - thanks eh...

nad makhuda said...

heh heh heh..
selamat hari raya haji.. maaf zahir dan kambing..

Ai Li Tay said...

Hmmm... maybe u just left the book at the library and the librarian returned it for ya? =P

nad makhuda said...

could be. and it was nice of the librarian to do it! cant imagine the fine and cost of replacement of the book if the book was lost.

tea tea said...

whoever returned the book for u, is kind!

i had to pay the original price of a book that i lost, long long time ago. very expensive lesson learnt.

nad makhuda said...

wah leow. that must have been expensive because they do not consider depreciation at all.

elyana . said...

I nearly did not get my A level results cos I misplaced a library book. Wanted to just pay for it but didn't have the money. Luckily found it in the AVA room.