Monday, November 09, 2009

9 + 44

I wrote this almost a month ago and hopefully I'll finish it today.


Farah & Huda

1. Farah. Farah is now 9 months old. She's a crawler and has begun to pull herself to a standing position. I don't think she's gonna start walking anytime soon because her sister was about 14/15 months when she started walking. I suppose she will start walking when she's about that age but then again, siblings can be very different.

She has also had her fall-off-the-bed-rite-of-passage. Boohooohoooooo.. I know that practically all children fall off beds at one time or another but I thought I could protect her from it. But, of course, I thought wrong.

It happened one evening when I was in the toilet and TheHusband was attending to Huda. Farah was supposed to be sleeping in her cot which was pushed against my bed. (She was sleeping in our room instead of her own room because she was sick and whiny and we didn't want Huda to wake up.)

She climbed out of her cot, crawled all over our bed and just when I peeked out of the toilet, she was at the edge of the bed, looking down, about to take one more step forward. I raced to her and of course, even though it was a distance of about 2-3 metres, I failed miserably to catch her in mid-fall. She landed on the floor. :( 
(Therefore, must exercise more and work on the sprint.)

2. Weight. Farah isnow about 6.5kg. Definitely petite but it's okay lah. I am coming to terms with the fact that my children are all in the featherweight category. They are pretty much like what TheHusband and I were decades ago when we were kids. Yes. TheHusband used to be a scrawny little kid. There *are* photos of him as a scrawny little kid. And I used to be thin too. Stick-thin. But, those are days which will never come back. I am now the poster girl for Michelin tyres.

3. Food. It is fun cooking for Farah. I like knowing that I'm giving her healthy food with absolutely no salt added. Someone asked me why I bothered because they would all be sodium junkies when they grow up. And that's exactly why I bother now. When I still have full control of their diet, let me give them the best and healthiest of food. At least, I make sure that they will not cause harm to their insides so early in their lives. And, hopefully, they will have a low tolerance for salt and additives as they grow up. (They will most likely be chocoholics like me.)

But feeding her is another story. While she is eating a lot more than Huda used to, she is still not an easy baby to feed. Sometimes, she enjoys making those sputtering buh buh noises (bilabial trills, if you are into phonetics) and she especially likes doing this during mealtimes so mealtime is a messy messy affair.

4.  TV. I still have control over their TV intake for now. The TV is hardly switched on when they are awake. When I first started my maternity leave, I was bored beyond belief so I did watch quite a bit of TV. Farah was sleeping most of the time then anyway. But, slowly I got back to the no-TV groove and hardly switched on the TV in the daytime. (And I guess that's also because of the ridiculous facebook games; the computer is switched on instead.)

5. Me & FB. Sidetrack a bit about myself and facebook games: I've got rid of Barn Buddy and Mafia Wars out of my system. Now I'm hooked on Cafe World and Scrabble. I think Scrabble is something I would play again and again and again but Cafe World is not something I'll play for long. Give it a few more weeks and I'll delete it from my facebook account. Really, facebook is a time-waster. :p

I know I'm hopelessly addicted to Scrabble because when I'm on the throne, picking up a call from Nature, I'll suddenly think of EIOPMNS. Then I'll shuffle the letters about in my head and I'll get words like POEMS, MOPES, MONIES etc. Of course, the target is to get a 7-letter word so I'll shuffle the letters in my head some more. I'll think of the ending -ISM. Then I shuffle the rest of the letters about and then I think of NEPOISM (no such word but if there's a T somewhere on the board, I can get NEPOTISM), NEOPISM (rubbish word), PEONISM (sounds like a nonsense word but I just checked against the scrabble dictionary and found that it exists). Such is my life now. :p

Back to Huda & Farah...

6. Huda's formal education. Huda is still in a childcare centre and will still be goin there next year although I'm still on unpaid leave then. I'm very pleased with the school she goes to. Perhaps my expectations are low or perhaps other people's expectations are too high but I'm happy with her school. One of my neighbours whose grandson goes to a $1000plus-a-month childcare centre talked about how everybody there spoke good English with no hor meh lah.

Well, my daughter barely speaks English herself so this is no issue to me. Hur hur. She does pick up crappy English from her friends like, 'I don't friend you' but that's why she has parents who know how to string a few words together in a grammatically coherent sentence. We correct the nonsense she picks up. Well, we try to lah. And when we fail, we'll tell her teacher so that she may find it in her to forgive us if our daughter were to use foul words in class. ;p

Talking about teachers - one of the main reasons I chose this childcare centre is because of the teachers. I hate to use the word 'passion' because it's been terribly misused when it comes to teaching but you can tell that the teachers and principal there are passionate about what they are doing. They should be the poster girls (err, women) for early childhood education.

I've actually digressed quite far from what I wanted to say. Initially, when I started going on my leave, I wanted to send Huda to school only 4 times a week and on Fridays we'll do something together. A trip to the Science Centre, Botanical Gardens etc. That has yet to happen because other than taking both girls around Woodlands, I can't imagine going out on my own with the both of them to the far ends of Singapore. What I fear most is, what do I do should I need to go to the toilet?

7. What my neighbour said. Two weeks ago, I bumped into the neighbour who lives one floor below me.

I was with Farah and she said that she hardly hears Farah's voice. I thought she was deaf because my neighbour 2 doors away often hears Farah's cries. Then she added, "But I hear you very stress with your older girl."


She's not deaf. She so politely phrased her words, this woman. What she meant to say was, I always hear you screaming like a wild banshee at your older girl after which I hear her cry so miserably.

There are times when my patience really runs thin with my Huda. She's still afflicted by the Terrible Twos (doesn't matter that she turned 3 more than half a year ago - I heard this Terrible Twos stage only goes away when they are 25 years old).

Being Miss Contrarian, she tries to do everything differently. If I tell her to put my phone back where she found it, she will then put my phone in 17 different places before reluctantly returning the phone back where she found it. Of course, by then, I would be a mad raving lunatic. 

Her bath time also gives rise to the loony in me. I'll tell her not to run in the bathroom and she'll be hopping and jumping all over the slippery floor. When I mop the floor and tell her to stay in one room, I'll soon find her in the kitchen or somewhere else.

And the result is - my neighbour hearing that I "very stress with my older girl". *insert nervous laughter*

As a result of that chance meeting, I did a bit of reflection and I might have been a little hysterical with Huda at times *insert more nervous laughter here*. And so, I've decided to try my mighty best to rein it in. I hope for the past two weeks, my neighbour hasn't noticed my stress levels. I've been trying to not raise my voice and to take short breaks should I notice that I'm going bonkers. (Short break = going to the toilet to sit on the throne and breathe deeply - and after breathing in the foul air in there, I'll start scrubbing the toilet from top to bottom.) 

8. Farah's health. Just now, we had a follow-up appointment at KK for Farah. After she recovered from her bout of bronchialitis in the first week of Hari Raya, she got another round of cough and phlegm and mucus just 3 weeks later. It's still going on now. Obviously, I do not like that she's falling ill so frequently. But, what medication can be given to a child who's only 9 month old?

The doctor suspected that she is allergic to something, most likely common allergens like dust mites and pollens. So, she's given a dose of medicine. The side effect? Possible increased appetite! Hooray! She's gonna be cured (hopefully) and she'll become a chubby baby in the process. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

9. Conclusion and AOBs. Yesterday I did ten little sit-ups and today, my stomach is still screaming out in agony. I am getting sleepy. I know this entry feels disjointed but that's what happens when you write one entry over a period of a month. I shall just post this one, warts and all, so thank you so much if you have actually reached this final full stop. :)


tea tea said...

i reached to the end!! haha!

abt farah falling off the bed, i thought i could protect hazim from it too..put a fort around him ie. pillows and bolsters and he still managed to climb over it. the funny thing was the bolsters and pillows were in their exact positions and seemed untouched, but he landed on the floor alrite. fahmy was actually in the room with hazim, facing the window and reading newspapers when it happened. hmmm..fated to happen? ;) he fell when he was like 6mths old.

do u give farah anything to boost her immunity? i've started giving hazim sambucus and i'm hoping for the best now. i know how it's like to be allergic to the common house dust and all cos' i am one.. poor poor farah! but i think sambucus cannot be given to babies yet..need to hit 12mths old.. hopefully she'll outgrow it!

i find huda very very entertaining, from an outsider's point of view la..haha! but for the mak.... another story i guess.. ;)

btw, dr lisa lim will be so proud of u..bilabial sey!! u still remember! u trigger the memory back in me, otherwise it has all been returned to her plus her guitar strumming lessons..quite fun must say! :)

Kai Ling Lim said...

what's the 44?

Kai Ling Lim said...

what's the 44?

Elizabeth Choo said...

Haiz my stupid neighbour rinks I'm torturing Emma too!!! She cries for anything even b4 I do anything!?!? N this neighbour is lookin aft a kid who's two so she keeps tellin him I will scole him too so when he sees me he runs to hide!!!!!!!! But nowadays, I can oso hear her screamin her head off wif him!!! Whahahahahahahhahah

Elizabeth Choo said...

Haiz my stupid neighbour rinks I'm torturing Emma too!!! She cries for anything even b4 I do anything!?!? N this neighbour is lookin aft a kid who's two so she keeps tellin him I will scole him too so when he sees me he runs to hide!!!!!!!! But nowadays, I can oso hear her screamin her head off wif him!!! Whahahahahahahhahah

nad makhuda said...

it took me quite a few seconds to recall who dr lisa lim is. i last saw her many many years ago driving a cute little vw beetle at holland v. that's like my dream car lor. but of course, no license cannot say anything.

sambucus - i almost bought that for huda! but i ended up not buying it. tell me if it works for hazim.

huda's entertainment - i need to write one blog entry just for her nonsense alone. and there are plenty. i'm sure it's entertaining. i find it amusing too AFTER i've cooled down.

hazim falling - it's a rite of passage, i'm sure. i'm not sure if there's any kid who has not fallen off the bed. if there is, surely that's a genius there cos s/he hasnt had any knocks on the head. heh. huda, besides falling off the bed, also managed to climb out and fall out of her cot. cot was already at the lowest level. so there's only so much we can do..

nad makhuda said...

that's huda's age in months. heheeee..

nad makhuda said...

same lor. now i must scold her in hushed tones otherwise she might call child protection services. ;p

but, i allow myself to do heavy duty screaming at the most once a week. difficult leh to control. i;m glad that your neighbour has seen the light and started using her lungs to control the kid. heheheheeee...

Ana mn said...

Aiyah these people, if we can't spank and scream, how to control the kids? If the kids misbehave when they go to school, fingers will all be pointed at us, parents. At this age, discipline and rules (and more rules) is important. The kids are always testing on the boundaries.

I am like you, Nad. I try my best not to shout at her as often as before. Sometimes, I am so stressed out, I will tell her I am going away and I am not talking to her anymore. She becomes scared and starts to apologise. Sometimes, I teared and she knew I was sad. Sigh, like that la.

Kekadang, aku wish ada lampu ajaib, nak gosok sampai kilat, nak mintak remote control...hehehehehe

irris irris said...

I still think you're a superwoman to cope with 2 gals on unpaid leave! I don't think I can last that long. Kalau after 4 mths of maternity, my hair masih all black, tu dah kira bagus!

Btw, I don't think there's ANY way to avoid babies from falling of the bed. It's just nature's way of hardening the kids up. Unless you buy those exorbitant mats and cushion them all around your house to minimise the fall impact.

Tea, does sambucus help? I've not bought any for Adam but am tempted, coz he will be going to school next yr and I really hope he won't fall sick so often then!

nad makhuda said...

errrmmm... well, we have our soMebAdy we kNOw who said we should discipline with love? no shouting and screaming? remember? hur hur hur.. for me, i cant help it lah. when i get angry with the kids (namely the older one because the younger one is much too young for scolding), i need to channel this energy somewhere so it comes out as sound energy lor. but during the period that my neighbour commented on, i must admit that i was overdoing the shouting and screaming. so now i limit myself so that the neighbours wont call the cps. heh.

magic lamp? i also want. i want magic wand. wah, shiok like that! all my housework and cooking will be done with the flick of a wand. sigh.. we all can continue dreaming..

nad makhuda said...

errrmmm... well, we have our soMebAdy we kNOw who said we should discipline with love? no shouting and screaming? remember? hur hur hur.. for me, i cant help it lah. when i get angry with the kids (namely the older one because the younger one is much too young for scolding), i need to channel this energy somewhere so it comes out as sound energy lor. but during the period that my neighbour commented on, i must admit that i was overdoing the shouting and screaming. so now i limit myself so that the neighbours wont call the cps. heh.

magic lamp? i also want. i want magic wand. wah, shiok like that! all my housework and cooking will be done with the flick of a wand. sigh.. we all can continue dreaming..

nad makhuda said...

no way lah! if i take care of both of them 24/7, then i know i'm deserving of the superwoman title. but huda goes to childcare. so, she's out of the house from 9 to 4 every day and farah still takes both mornign and afternoon naps so i have time in the morning to clean and cook and time in the afternoon to facebook. :)

when is adam going to school?

nad makhuda said...

why on earth does a single click of the submit button result in each comment appearing twice?

Liza Ali said...

"soMebAdy we kNOw" ---HAHAHA! I like this one!!

Liza Ali said...

"soMebAdy we kNOw" ---HAHAHA! I like this one!!

tea tea said...

nad and nani,
hazim has been taking sambucus v inconsistently (guilty me) for ard 1 mth now...
hmmm..for this 1 mth, he hasn't fallen sick except recently. Not sick but kena gigit by insects..dunno wat insects tho' and he now has 14 insect bites all over his body.

so the guilty mother gave him sambucus twice a day (intensive dosage) instead of once a day(maintenance dosage) to hopefully ward off any probable reaction to the insect bites!

su s said...

aku ingat aku sorang je yg pekik telolong mcm tarzan...always thought that I can project my voice well thanks to the teachers' training. Kata org tua2...kalau sayang anak , tangan-tangankan. Kalau bukan kita yg pukul sape lagi yg nak ajar anak kita kan....sebelum terlambat. Babe, when can I visit u?

nad makhuda said...

you know, i know, we know, ma also no.

nad makhuda said...

you know, i know, we know, ma also no.

nad makhuda said...

you know, i know, we know, ma also no.

nad makhuda said...

insect bites? farah gets that now. maklumlah, rumah aku ni kan macam national geographic insect special. she often gets bitten on her forehead. huda used to get bitten near her left eye.

but hazim's case sounds scary. 14 bites? let's just hope that they are just regular 'ol insect bites that dont cause any allergic reaction or whatever.

nad makhuda said...

betul tu!

bapak aku selalu cakap - kalau tak marah, tak jadi orang.

heh. oleh itu, this justifies all my tarzan-like behaviour and smackings.

how long will u be in singapore? i'm at home practically all the time so just call me. u still using the same number?

tea tea said...

hehe! rumah aku pun sikit lebih kurang sama jugak..depan rumah aku ader jungle, bukan garden.. :P

that's y lorr..14 bites, scary. but thankfully they are subsiding now, but he has to live with some scarring cos' he garuk2 , tak tahan. "Ibu, tal!" tal = gatal.