Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Past Few Months...

That's Huda's watch. Yes, she chose Batman over Hello Kitty and other girly designs because Batman's watch has a purple strap.

I've been neglecting my multiply account in favour of facebook games (which is the main reason I joined facebook).

I intended to upload more photos of Farah but I realise that my excellent photography skills resulted in Farah having that deer-in-headlights look in almost all her shots. So, it's the same-old-same-old pictures of the stuff we did in the past few months.


che' puan said...

Haha... we did this a lot too when my kids were young... azmann suka main kepung-kepung! Hehe...

nad makhuda said...

yeah. senang kan? but huda kicks around quite a bit in her sleep so both of us suffer. that's why farah cannot sleep in the same bed as her sister. we must kepung more bila farah dah besar sikit & start golek golek.

Lindah Taib said...

how adorable...

tea tea said...

kiyutnya!!!! both huda and farah...! :)

tea tea said...

farah macam anak patung...hehe

tea tea said...

pak usu selalu ikut babysitter lah kan...hehe..

tea tea said...

who's the chief?

tea tea said...


tea tea said...

errr..i think i was guilty of this too when praying bila kecik2..ketawa2, main2, lepas tuh errm dahbis! oops!

nad makhuda said...

ah.. yes.. they have yet to learn how to claw each others' eyes out in a fight. i'm bracing for all these nonsense when they are growing up - because that's what i used to do with my older sister.

nad makhuda said...

kena bedung punya pasal. kalau tak, her arms and legs will be kicking everywhere and she wont sleep well (which means i wont sleep well either).

nad makhuda said...

entertainer to the kids. tapi sekarang dia eksen dah besar so he's quite selective. he doesnt join us as much as he used to.

nad makhuda said...

chip dia is nabilah. my sister's daughter. the one in the striped t-shirt.

nad makhuda said...

samalah. tengah sujud, boleh turn and talk to my sister. kadang2 tu, mak suruh sembahyang, masuk bilik, main2, lepas tu keluar cakap dah sembahyang.

once i was caught, though. my mom washed the telekung. abetu, dia tanya dah sembahyang ke belum. dengan konfiden aku jawab aku dah sembahyang. lepas tu, mak tanya, 'pakai apa?'
maka, pecahlah tembelang...