Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Huda has been sleeping in her own room for more than two weeks.

We bought a bed (with a pull-out bed for Farah in future) and ever since then, she has been going to sleep in her room at night. However, in the middle of the night, The Husband and I would sometimes find a foreign particle sprawled in our bed and we would have to take the foreign object back to her own room.

However, her move wasn't complete until yesterday.

Yesterday, the wardrobe in her room was installed. Yipppeeee!

And finally, her clothes (and Farah's) moved to the next room.

Now if only everything was that simple.


The movement of belongings from Room 1 to Room 2 means that some things from Room 2 must go to Room 1. Excess stuff from Room 1 and Room 2 go to Room 3 which no longer has floor space. So, Room 3 must be cleaned out and stuff from Room 3 should be junked. Five huge plastic bags, two big boxes & more small plastic bags later, Room 1 and 2 look decent enough. Room 3 is still a work in progress.


The point of writing this is to say that I have no idea how we managed to amass so much stuff in our 5++ years together. The cleaning process has revealed that we have too many things we don't need. (So from now on, we shall no longer have trips to shopping centres. Those places are dangerous.)

I have more stuff to junk but I so sayang to throw them all away. I want to pass them to whoever who will find them useful. So if you are interested in any of these, please email me at b o o s h o o k   at    g m a i l    dot    c o m. (Get rid of the spaces, of course.)

1. 8 Days magazines - from 2007/8

2. Women's Weekly magazines - from 2004/5

3. Readers Digest magazines

4. Wooden clogs from Holland (not Holland Village but Holland the country with windmills, cows and cheese) - I don't know what possessed me to buy the clogs at that time. The clogs are big enough to fit my size 6 feet. The moment I came home, I put on the clogs and two minutes later, my neighbour living downstairs came up and complained about the incessant tok-tok-tok noise she heard. I haven't worn them since. (That was in 2005)

5. Osim iPamper - this, I'm not giving away. I'm selling it for $30? Any takers? (Or if you can beg really well, I'll just give it to you.)

6. And any chance anyone needs school uniforms from Crescent Girs' School and Jurong Junior College? (these will fit anyone who has a 23-inch waist *ahem* - but now the skirt will not even get past my knees)


To get all these things, you have to come to my house. The good news is, the lift will soon be ready!!



Lindah Taib said...

wow! huda dah besar boleh tidur sendiri!

btw, tumpang tanyer - how much was your built in cupboard? is it still charged per feet? I need a built in shoe cabinet lah. or something like it...

nad makhuda said...

lindah - yes the built-in-cupboard is charged by feet. i recommend this contractor - mr ang 98345461. i called a few contractors most of whom i found in ST's classified section. they quoted me between $1k - $1.5k over the phone. i asked 3 of them to take measurements and this guys offers the lowest price AND the best deal. however, you must wait a while after he takes measurements. other contractors can install e cupboard within a week but this guy needs 3 weeks. but it's worth the wait!

su s said...

nad , tell me abt amassing the stuff! I keep on moving after a year & gets amazed by the things accumulated. Forget abt buying magazines n newspaper ; I just read them online.

Lindah Taib said...

thanks for the contact. maybe i can try him out. :)

tea tea said...

eh wow! ur contact not bad man..for full length built in cabinet less than 1K i'd think? wahhhhh!! 3 weeks is quite a long wait but worth it if the price is very low...

wah kakak huda dah start tido sendirik lah! bestnya!
and btw, i am all for white cupboards for kids room..dun ask me y...i have a fetish for white in tt sense..

we were thinking of starting hazim to sleep in his own room too and were thinking of getting the pull-out bed too..to wean him from us.. but NATO - no action talk only.. :P

Eity Norhyezah said...

Nad....how low is low????

nad makhuda said...

why do we collect so much stuff, huh? i think i can throw away 40% of the stuff we have in Room 3 but i didnt do so because of the pain involved when i think if how much we've spent on those things. but i cant read newspapers, books and magazines online. i'm a traditionalist when it comes to reading - it must be on paper. (not so green, eh?)

nad makhuda said...

look up the classified ads under the renovation section too. there may be other carpenters who can do the job cheaper. but if you do settle on him, i hope you get the contractors i got. i really like their service. they clean up so thoroughly after their job!

Ana mn said...

Congratulation on the BIG move. Wow I am so envious of you. I dunno when Sarah is going to have her own room :(

Btw, Huda's room is bright and neat. How do you get her to sleep on her own? Is she ok that Farah is still sleeping with you?

nad makhuda said...

i also called the contractor you recommended but he couldnt come early enough to take the measurements. so, bukan rezeki dia.

and yes, kakak huda dah tidur sendiri - but for the first few hours of her sleep. then she'll migrate to our bed. then, either aku or laki aku kene migrate with her back to her bed. but if she appears in our bed at 5+ in the morning, aku tak kuasa nak bangun & halau dia.

and we've been talking about moving her out of our room since early last year. so i know what you all are going through. really, it's tougher for the parents than it is for the kids. she really doesnt care where she sleeps. what's most important is, we are there with her. ideally, she wants me to sleep on her bed with her and her father on the pull-out bed. (so tak malu, right?)

nad makhuda said...

it's exactly 1k.

let me gush a bit about mr ang and his team. he was the first one to come to take measurements. he took the measurements and he quoted me $1050. my ceiling is half a foot higher than other hdb flats so it costs a bit more. and if you look at the picture of the wardrobe, the window takes up some space which should actually go to the width of the wardrobe.

the other 2 carpenters i asked to take measurements said that all these will cause the price to go up. one asked me what kind of trimming i want. the best is ABS trimming, he said. and if i want abs trimming, it will cost $100+ more. if i want a mirror, it'll also cost more.

then i called mr ang and asked what trimming he was using. he said, 'ABS lah.' like it's so obvious and there is no other trimmings he would consider. that sealed the deal with mr ang.

so the contractors came. the contractor is this guy called ah chye and 2 other guys. these people are gems in the service industry.

1. they came early. mr ang told me 11am but they were at my door at 10.30am.
2. i wanted them to remove a drawer from my wardrobe and this was done for free AND not only that, ah chye plastered the wholes the nails left behind, he swept away all the nails, swept away all the dust that the drawer-removal caused AND wiped the entire area with a piece of wet cloth so not a speck of dust was left!
3. a tile fell from my kitchen (looooooong story, this one - must find another contractor for this) and of course, it had nothing to do with ah chye and his team. but, ah chye actually wanted to clean up the mess for me!!!!! so, after he started, i stopped him and finished up the cleaning myself.
4. after the wardrobe was done, ah chye and his men cleaned up the mess. they swept and wiped the area.
5. surprise, surprise. a mirror was attached to the inside of one of the wardrobe doors! at no extra charge.
6. not once did they complain about having to lug all those stuff all the way up to the 4th floor. (one of the carpenters who came to take measurement hinted that i have to pay more because there's no lift).

i am very sure that if and when i move, i'll get mr ang and his men to do all the carpentry works needed.

(i'm not paid a single cent to promote mr ang's business. but i hope he will be aware of what i'm doing and will give me a generous discount if i ever do business with him again!)

nad makhuda said...

your bedroom is big enough to accommodate all of you. bilik aku sekangkang kera aje. so i die die also must kick her out. initially, we were worried that she might feel jealous that farah is still in our room. but so far, so good. she never mentioned it at all. maybe because farah is in her cot and not on our bed.

huda's room is neat cos all her toys are in the living room. now THAT is the one place in the house that needs a complete makeover!

Eity Norhyezah said...

wow...would definitely consider these guys when i move..

mrs shafei z said...

we have yet to get aisyah a proper bed. lagi2 skrg her imaginations are starting to get wild and claimed she's seeing monsters in my mum's place. too much tv, i think.

btw, we are also considering a pullout bed for her and sarah. :D

nad makhuda said...

got a flat oredi? which block?

nad makhuda said...

thank goodness huda doesnt have such a wild imagination! monsters, to her, are cute furry things like elmo and cookie monster. and hantu is the cute little jibbitz on her crocs. and i dont intend to change her definition of these two things. she was watching congkak on youtube with her cousins last sunday, though. and i had to stop the kids immediately cos i dont want her to be a permanent feature on our bed.

having a pullout bed is great. it's a space-saver and i dont need to worry about her falling off the bed because the pullout is there to catch her when she falls.