Thursday, June 18, 2009

Attack of The Crocs

Once upon a time, there was a Crocs sale. Prior to that, I've heard of lots of Crocs accidents and so, I did not want to get Crocs for the kids. But prices were slashed and a pair of Crocs were so cheap and so I ended up with 5 pairs, 2 of which were for Huda. She wore her first 2 pairs of Crocs without accident; it helps that whenever she's wearing her Crocs, I would not allow her on the escalator. We'll either go out of our way to take the lift or we'll carry her whenever we're on an escalator. She soon outgrew her Crocs. Another sale came by and I bought her another pair.

Yesterday evening, we decided to go for a jog/walk/crawl along the new Park Connectors and as usual, Uncle Tutumat was called upon for assistance. Farah was placed in the stroller while Huda sat behind Uncle Tutumat's bicycle.

We have done this a number of times before without any accident and so why should we worry, right? Wrong.

As usual, the bicycle would be far far ahead and Uncle Tutumat would wait for us before major crossings.

But this time round, it was a wailing Huda I heard first. What did I see?

The strap of her right Crocs was caught in the bicycle chain and the strap broke. But before the strap broke, her foot was dragged this way and that causing those massive abrasions.

So, Huda was brought to a nearby clinic, where the doctor told us to renounce our belief in Crocs. He sent us to KK for an X-ray to ensure no fractures where the doctor also told us to abandon our Crocs.

For us old fogeys, we are still wearing our Crocs but for the little ones, if they do wear it, it will be with extreme caution. They will not be wearing it anywhere near moving machines like escalators and bicycles. It will most likely be for a trip to the swimming pool which is a short walk away or at the beach after which she'll change into sensible sandals or shoes.

In the meantime, the little girl herself is very fine. Other than not having the guts to walk, she is still the happy, bubbly kid she has always been.

(I see this as an opportunity for her to fatten up. She won't be jumping or running for the next few days so hopefully, all the food she'll be eating will not be burnt off.)


Ai Li Tay said...

Yeah, you know why? I think coz it's rubber and soft, so easily gets caught in machines and stuff. Gosh, the injury looks serious! But glad she is still smiling cheekily

Noi . said...

ayoh..kecian dia....tat y i don;t trust croc shoe

Lindah Taib said...

oh my goodness. looks quite bad, but i m glad u see the bright side (fatten her up! hihihihi...)!

tea tea said...

the abrasion really looks awful! kesian huda!! no crocs, no walking..just fatten up huda! ur mak will do all the fattening up..yeah!

and yar i swore off crocs too..

Ana mn said...

OUch NAD! That bad? Thank God tak serious. Kesian nyer Huda. Must be painful for her!
I myself tak kasi Sarah pakai Crocs cuz they r pricey and dangerous. I think the imitation ones are safer than the real ones cuz the rubber is not as soft as Crocs. That's what Sarah has been wearing and Alhamdullillah things are fine.
But again, I am not taking chances. Will convert to Ipanama.

nad makhuda said...

yeah. it is much too soft lah. i suppose it's fine if used for what it was created for - ie, for boating. but it's just not meant for activities in built-up areas.

nad makhuda said...

yup. i dont like it much either especially after this accident.

nad makhuda said...

yes yes. there's always a silver lining behind every incident. so, for this, it's an opportunity for her to stop jumping about and start bulking up. :)

nad makhuda said...

yeah. i wont buy another pair no matter how cheap they are. the best way is really to avoid the crocs expo sale altogether. the temptation is too strong there.

nad makhuda said...

i got them at the expo sale lah. they are so cheap there.

anyway, i'm going to get her sandals which are firm and solid. ipanema sandals look too 'open' for me. kaki dia nanti kene pijak lah, apa lah. cant get closed shoes for her cos she got sweaty feet.

yayyy! it's sandal-shopping time! (as soon as this huda starts walking again. she refuses to walk because of all the bandage.)

nad makhuda said...

Actually, we are grateful that it's not that bad. Other people attacked by crocs lose a toe or two. Huda actually got the better end of the deal. So, it's okay lah. In a few days, she'll be up and running again. And hopefully, she won't be doing the running in a pair of crocs (no matter how comfortable they are!)

Kai Ling Lim said...

poor poor huda, sayang sayang...

su s said...

hope she gets well soon...aku baru ingat nak belikan utk bebudak nie, thanks for the sharing dear.

Arlynn Ahmad said...

Oh dear, the abrasion looks pretty bad. Sure hopes it's getting better by now....

irris irris said...

Gee, sampai kena bandaged gitu sekali? Adam pun ada a few pairs - great for airing the toes too! No way will I let him stand on the escalator - he'll be carried for sure. Looks like it's back to Combi shoes for him once he outgrows his Crocs(s) - (yeah still got another pair with one size bigger waiting for him in storage)

elyana . said...

Poor Huda. Hope she get well soon.

nad makhuda said...

kailing, arlynnz & elyana - thanks! huda is all good now. the skin is still in the healing process but it's all dry and no more bandage needed. it's itchy now, though. so, i gotta rub it with some cream to keep the skin moisturised and stop her from scratching the area. :)

suraya & nani - i still think crocs are not that bad. they are good for beaches and pools. but, if you do intend to get them, su, you gotta be disciplined and make sure your boys dont wear them near any forms of machinery.

nani, u went to the crocs sale and got adam a few pairs, didnt you? ;p