Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Brother's Wedding

This was the night of the solemnisation. I was half-dead (because I have not discovered the yang diet at that point) but this girl... she was very much alive.

I have about a million things to do now. Exam papers, among other things. But, the more work I have, the more I want to do things that I (lately) have no interest in doing. Like, updating photos. So, here are photos of the salmon-pink brigade on a Sunday not too long ago.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Week 9

24 July 2008 I just can't take plain white rice. It's okay if it's drenched in some kind of gravy. But, just plain white rice? No way.

26 July 2008 I saw the heartbeat today. The heartbeat was quite faint and wasn't as strong as Huda's when I saw hers at Week 8. The baby has grown and is now of the right size for a 9-week-old baby. (No, I don't call them foetus, no matter what.) 3 weeks ago, s/he was 4mm and was a tad bit too small. (I fell into some sort of depression then when I realised the baby was - again - too small but I didn't want to talk about it.) The gynae didn't want to give me the EDD then because it didn't match my last menstrual period. Now, the baby has grown to 25mm. Amazing. Expected delivery date is 1 March 2009. I've lost 2 kg and now weigh in at 45kg. It was great that I didn't try to lose weight after the miscarriage. Otherwise, I wouldn't have much to spare for this round. Because I didn't have any problems this time round, I can see what Liza meant when her friend said 'gynae with the lowest EQ ever'. My previous gynae would spend time to entertain my queries. This one seems to be in a hurry to rush me out now that I am problem-free. But, I don't mind this. I like a problem-free pregnancy and delivery.

28 July 2008 On medical leave again. This is my second Monday off in three weeks. I was vomiting too much, yet in between each session, I'd gasp to The Husband, 'Must. go. school. Must. pass. exam. papers. to. xxx.' The Husband took the day off so that he could send the exam papers while I vegetated on the couch. The doctor asked if I wanted a jab to stop the vomiting. But, I don't think so. The vomiting only stated again last night. And it's not as bad as my first pregnancy - as in, it has not lasted one entire week. So, I'll wait til I'm really desperate for a quick fix.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Reaching Week 8

16 July 2008 Miserable. I've been vomiting everything out since yesterday. Nothing stays inside. I'm exhausted from all the vomiting and my arms feel like lead. I can't even summon enough energy to pick up my pen to start marking. And then, there's the sudden tightness in the chest and quickening of the heartbeat. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh.

17 July 2008 Taxi fare's up again. I'm not made of money, LTA!!! I'm taking a taxi because I'm too weak to take the bus and MRT. Now, to go home from my mom's place at 6.30pm, it'll cost me a minimum of $4.20. Grrrr.

19 July 2008 Trying to be positive. So will write about happy things. The vomiting is still ongoing BUT it does not happen all the time. I need to eat a teeny eeny weeny little bit each time and everything will stay in. Alhamdulillah!! I'm also trying to eat more of yang food - which means heaty food. According to my sinsehs, yang food can help me up my energy level whereas too much yin food at this stage will make me weak. No wonder. I have been surviving mostly on fruit for the past 2 weeks and I've been soooooo lembik. So, now, it's time for more beef, fish and even durian which is so in season now. I MUST EAT - that's my mantra these days.

20 July 2008 My brother's wedding today. Yes. Another brother. Thank goodness the next in line to get married is only 19 so there's still 5-6 more years, the earliest, before another wedding takes place in the family. Anyway, I was telling my mother and my brother-the-groom that I would be an ineffective member of the wedding party as I would spend all the time lying down upstairs while the wedding reception's taking place downstairs.

But, ever since I started on this yang eating programme on Friday afternoon - which sees me forcing myself eat all sorts of food that's been classified as yang by my sinsehs - my energy level is on the rise! Miracles!! I've been praying for a miracle and this is it! I actually managed to join in the wedding festivities, welcomed guests with a big smile and talked to makciks and pakciks and et cetera and et cetera. Miracles! Miacles! Miracles! Alhamdulillah.

23 July 2008 The vomiting and the weak feeling come and go. Occasionally, I feel good. But there are times when I feel lousy, especially those times when I'm bent double over the sink. The vomiting is really not as bad as Huda's time - that was when I vomited everything out and this yang diet would not have worked at all. So, I'm counting my blessings, appreciating the fact that I can at least nibble on some food this time round.