Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Morning sickness is horrible.

I'm not pregnant. Yet. My sis-in-law is. And she is having quite a bad bout of morning sickness.

Who came up with this term - morning sickness? It doesn't happen in the morning only. It happens ALL the time!! You feel the nausea all day, don't you? And you vomit regardless of the time, don't you? (If you don't, please don't answer this because I'll just die of envy.)

I had terrible nausea and vomiting for some 5 to 6 months of my pregnancy.

Things were not too bad when I first discovered I was pregnant. I felt mostly bloated and slightly giddy when I took buses and taxis. I felt nauseous at times but managed to suppress the vomit. I even had the gall to say that, perhaps, all this vomiting that happens in pregnancy is all in the mind. If you want to suppress it, it can be done. Cocky like anything, I was.

Just mere days later, I started throwing up. It was so bad. I was throwing up everything I ate and more. We vomited in layers, a pregnant friend and I noted. (Both of us were pregnant at the same time and between us, we suffered almost 90% of all pregnancy ailments. She's pregnant again now and she's just waiting for me to join her.) If I eat rice, then some biscuits and then some ice cream and I vomit after that, the first wave of stuff to come out will be the ice cream, then, the biscuits and then the rice. After that, out will come all the greenish bile and yucky schmucky stuff that burns your throat.

(So, if anyone says that all the food you eat will get mixed in the stomach, well, I dont think so. I've got at least 5 months of vomit-analysis under my belt.)

I remembered that I started vomiting on a Thursday. The following Thursday, I was at work, feeling so exhausted because every single thing that I ate had come out. I was also so thirsty and I took a gulp of water. Miraculously, it remained inside. I took a taxi home and once I left the taxi, I had an urgent need to vomit and out came the water, then the bile.

I felt depressed after that, I went home and started crying because I was so thirsty and weak and yet couldn't keep anything down. The next day, something important was happening at work and I had to do something there so no matter what, I had better be there.

Unfortunately, I could barely get out of bed the next day. I practically crawled to the clinic near my block and the doctor sent me off to KK because I was dehydrated.

I was hospitalised and put on a drip. The doctor took 3 tries before he managed to find a vein. He said that when a person is dehydrated, the veins would collapse so it's difficult finding a suitable place to poke the needle. (Thank goodness he was cute. Otherwise, I would have used what's left of my energy to kick him each time he poked the needle.)

Oh. And this is not a randomly-titled blog. Looking at how bad my sis-in-law's morning sickness is, I'm reminded of my horrible time and now I'm feeling a bit jittery about getting pregnant again.


Ai Li Tay said...

=( it does feel terrible doesn't it...don't think about it...u so shouldn't be writing about this! Think of Huda...all the joys of being a mother!

mrs shafei z said...

some people can get it on first pregnancy and not on subsequent pregnancies.
and some dont get it at all...while one i know got morning sickness so bad for all three pregnancies.
you never know till you try again, sis. hehe.
anyway...i threw up a lot too...but night sickness though...after dinner only.

have fun in babymaking. :D

nad makhuda said...

aili - i'm sure you know. you and kl and yc and joyce had to suffer with me. i was constantly updating you girls! hahaa!

norza - i hope i'm one of 'em lucky ones to get a much milder version of morning sickness!

shooga shooga said...

hey i'm with u on the 5-6 months of vomiting! i vomited about 2-3 times a day when i was preg with the twins. felt like shit ALL the time. couldn't take any form of transport, ketiak smells 10 metres away in the mrt would make me hurl!! pegi mana-mana kena bawak plastic bags. :S the nausea went off in e third trimester but returned when i was near delivery. bad times.

but yeay for our kids! they more than made up for all that misery. :D

are you trying again, btw? i'm waiting for mid/end 2008. tunggu dorang besar sikit.

nad makhuda said...

rini - public transport? when i was pregnant, i was so lembik, boleh maut nak naik tangga bas. everywhere i went, it was taxi, taxi, taxi. (thank goodness my school was only a $4-taxi-ride away)

wah! yours came again near delivery, ah? aduhai.. tersiksa seh!

i'm trying again soon. but the thought of starting the new school term at a new school with all lemau doesnt appeal to me much. still, it must be done. i'm growing old and i once aspired to have 4 kids!

Ana mn said...

4 kids?? mak datuk! Inspired by Lady M ke? All the best lah Cik Nadirah. I hope you won't be skinnier than this;)
Yeah, I can't wait to hear the good news! Go make baby!

shooga shooga said...

yeahhh taking the mrt was waaaay better than cabs or the hubby's car! donch know why *shrugs*

i once aspired to have 4 kids too HAHAHA! now it's try for no 3 and see whether i'll still have the time OR energy to even make no 4. :p

Liza Ali said...

Oh great! I just found someone in the same boat as me...rather WAS in the same boat as me. I've been like some bulimic teenager for the past 4 mths...I and I dun think it's getting better anytime soon. Reading your entry made me excitedly sit so close to the edge of the chair I almost fell...hahaha!!

nad makhuda said...

liza - congratulations!!!! 4 months now? it'll get better, insya Allah. (maybe in 5 months or so? heheheee..)

rini - eh, somehow i missed your post. you too wanted 4 kids? to me, it's just the right number of kids to have. not too many and not too few. but i cant imagine being pregnant and taking care of twins. you have to be a superwoman to do that! and you know what? i think you are! (so go make babies. NOW.)