Monday, December 03, 2007


I've been speaking in phonics with Huda quite a bit.

What's that, Huda? That's a bus. Buh. Ah. Sssss. Bus! And this is an - umbrella! Ah. Mm. Buh. Rrr. Eh. Lll. Ah. Umbrella! And that's why one of her first words is umbrella. Because, every time I use the umbrella, I'll repeat my "Ah. Mm. Buh. Rrr. Eh. Lll. Ah. Umbrella!".

Yes, yes. I've not updated this little space of mine for quite a while. I've been addicted to Desktop Towers and it was only the past 4 days, when I went cold turkey (and I also went across the causeway) that I managed to overcome my addiction. Or so I hope. There may be a relapse, though. That's very likely the case.

One thing I've learnt from our most recent trip is that although Huda is already a big girl - at 20 months - we still must plan all our movements around her naps, lunch and dinner. And we must be back at the hotel room by her bedtime. She is a good traveller and does not get too fussy but the poor girl has rashes all over her face, presumably because of insufficient rest and poor eating habits over the past 4 days. For our next trip, the slow cooker will be carted along and the first stop will be the supermarket to buy all the supplies for her porridge.

Talking about porridge, one of my neighbours is always sharing porridge tips with me. She takes care of her grandchildren and she often gives me suggestions as to what I can put in my porridge. She has given me some cordycep stems and some small little red seeds - the packaging says boxthorn fruit - to add to Huda's porridge to build her immunity. So I've been adding these two items in Huda's porridge for the past few weeks. Recently, she has also started adding one green apple and strawberries into the porridge, along with kurau, chicken, broccoli, carrot and spinach. And, that's what I'm going to do too. Anything, anything to make my baby eat.

And yes yes yes. I'm going back to work in less than a month. Gaaaaahhhh!!! It's THAT soon!!! The Husband suggested that I take another half a year off but at that time I thought, never mind lah. I can go back to work for a year and see how things go. Now, I'm banging my head against the wall and asking why I gave up the opportunity to be a pseudo-taitai. Sigh. But too late for regrets now.

I hear sounds coming from the room. The Little Girl is awake, I'm sure. Til next time!



izadnhana Ismail said...

he actually OFFERED you??? oh mannn!! lucky u!!

Kai Ling Lim said...

Totally unrelated, but... I've learnt different ways of counting numbers with our hands!
Some "experts" here say, instead of teaching kids to count 1,2, 3 by each of our fingers, they use the thumb to count segments of each finger... know what I mean? each finger has 3 segments, so using the thumb, you go 1,2,3 on index finger, 4,5, 6 on middle finger and so on... apparently, a child doesn't need the toes to count more than 10, and subconciously they learn the 3 times table!!!

nad makhuda said...

hana - and i said no. hahahaaaa!!! schewpid or wat?

kailing - great tip!!! i know what you are talking about. but thumb got only 2 segments? so, i'll get the kid to count the partition between the segment, just for the thumb. anyway, had i known this earlier, when i was in primary 1, i wouldnt have to pack my pencil case to the brim with stuff during math exam so that i could use them as counters. :P

Kai Ling Lim said...

aiya...still say you know what I'm talking about...
use the thumb to tap on each segment of the finger lah....

nad makhuda said...

wahahahaaaa!!! yeah hor! i never read properly!