Tuesday, December 25, 2007


This is the kind of nonsense she's up to some days.

She'll take the stools, turn them upside down and get in them. Other times, she'll push the stool towards the kitchen cabinet, climb up and up and up. I once found her on the kitchen cabinet, trying to work the toaster.

Tomorrow, I'm going back to work. And it is with this thought that I'm putting up these few pictures of Huda (and everyone else) taken in the past few weks. I will no longer have the time to update as and when I please - not that I do much updating to begin with...

When I came back to work after my maternity leave ended last year, I met a mum who just came back from one year of (no-pay) childcare leave. Unlike me at that time, she felt relieved to go back to work because her son was getting naughtier and naughtier, she said. Work was a welcome break. I had similar thoughts many times throughout the year when I just could not wait to go back to work. These thoughts crept in after full days of handling a sticky toddler who seemed glued to my hips throughout her waking hours.

But now that going back to work is a reality and is happening in approximately *gasp* 14 hours, I find myself unable to part with my bub.


izadnhana Ismail said...

good luck going back to work! :)

Ana mn said...

Hahahahahahaaaaa....that's so CUTE! Asal tak protect identity anak aku skali yg ternampak sluar dalam nya?!

Ana mn said...


Ana mn said...

Dear Nad,
You'll get over the guilt soon. Go attend 'when working hurts my sense of motherhood' via traisi. It's a damn good course. I LOVE it!

Azlifah Afizukil said...

*LOL* is there reali such a course???!!? Hahaha...mayb i might juz suggest the course.

nad makhuda said...

thanks. i need tonnes of that. i was sobbing away when i left the house. didnt help that when i called home she sounded oh-so-luvable i wanted to rush back immediately.

nad makhuda said...

sebab puan sarah maintain jambu. seluar dalam lawa, boleh tayangkan. keh keh..

nad makhuda said...

memang aku nak spend my max of 30 hours on personal devt courses. nak cari ikebana course? cooking course? massage course? kalau kau jumpa, bilang eh.

nad makhuda said...

kita sign up sama2. nak?

Ana mn said...

So how was your first day in your new school? Blog abt it la.

nad makhuda said...

oh no no no no nooooo.. manfus aku nanti. cerita sebenar akan aku ceritakan bila aku jumpa kau.

for now, let's listen to the good stuff:

1. the new workplace is very big.
2. i will have a bigger work station than before! yippeeee!
3. it's a $6.20 taxi ride away from my mom's place. not too bad. i thought i'd go bankrupt taking a cab.

tea tea said...

u ask for trf to new school ke? i cant imagine the separation anxiety i wld feel too wen it's time for me to go to work ...lemau...and confirm will sob too!!!

saper jaga huda since ur mom not ard?

nad makhuda said...

i didnt ask for transfer but i knew i would be going to a new place cos once u go on npl for 6 months, your name will be floating somewhere and when (and if) you come back, you will be sent to whichever school which needs manpower.

and, *dun be jealous hor* my maader come back liao!!! wooooohoooooooooooooo!!! my parents went for about 3 weeks only. came back yesterday but she's having flu now. in her absence, irfan, dianah and sometimes afif take care of huda when i had my driving lessons. khairuman also took 2 days off work to take care of huda when i had school meetings.

sob only? confirm kau nangis melalak lalak lepastu, your family must call firemen to extricate you from the gate and transport you to work. good luck!!