Monday, November 12, 2007

Days in November, an expansion

I love November.

I love how it sounds. The /n/, /v/, /m/ & /b/ sounds just pleasantly rolling off your tongue.

I love the weather in November. The rainy season has begun but it's not all wet all the time. There'll be a spot of sun but it's never too harsh to burn the skin.

Years ago, November meant that it's time to bury the books cos the school year is almost over and it's just play, play and more play time. Not too long ago, November meant that the school year is (still) almost over and it's time to discard the lesson plans and it's just play, play and more play time.

But November also makes me feel melancholic. I'll think of the friends I've lost touch with. Yanni & Xiuling from Crescent. Sharifah Ainal. Shu Jiun & Shamus from JJC. 

In the past, November also meant that I'll have all the time in the world to write letters to friends. I used to do that a lot. I enjoy writing letters and receiving replies. I enjoy sitting down for hours writing to them. I enjoy reading the replies and then writing back. And sometimes, when I'm too free, I'll read the letters I've received.

Then December comes.

December means that I'm finally free ftom the shackles of work but it also means the boring 'ol school life will start all over again soon. And by December, I will try to pack my days with as much activities as possible to ensure that I won't regret the passing of the holidays when January's here. There will be no time for melancholy. It'll be fun, fun and more fun all the way through. Until the middle of December, of course when (after I've started working), I realise that there's a lot of unfinished work and I'll try to squeeze in some work into my days and nights. No more melancholy; just wondering what on earth happened to my holidays?

Overdue Stuff

I am getting terribly lazy about updating things. I don't have a good enough excuse. Oh, wait! I know - the PC's slow! Good enough?

Anyway, here's a snapshot of things that happened in the past few months.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Old Fogey

This has got to be one of the biggest signs that I'm growing older and that my brain cells are rapidly depleting.

The Husband bought me a new phone a month ago, a few days before Hari Raya. Having been used to the workings of a Sony-Ericsson phone for almost 2 years, I had a bit of a trouble adjusting to a Nokia and so when Selamat Hari Raya messages started to pour in, I could only reply almost a week after Hari Raya.

And now, a good one month after the phone's arrival, I am finally putting songs in it and splitting songs for my ringtones. Thank goodness I got to that! For a while, I thought I was gonna stick with the ringtones provided by Nokia (which would make me a super old old old fogey). I used to do these things immediately. The moment I get a new phone, I'll read the manual from cover to cover and then play with the new toy for days and days. But now, these things can wait, I suppose.

Oh, and the phone came with a 2GB memory stick (what do you call such things cos memory stick is sony's, right?) but The Husband used that for his own phone. So, as I copied songs to the phone, I told The Husband that I wanted the 2GB stick-thing back so that I could put a gajillion songs into the phone and he could have the 256MB schtick that was in my phone. Then, The Husband took a look at all the songs I wanted to copy into my phone. Total space needed = 76.8MB. Wahahahahaaaaaaaa!!! Not only am I turning into an old fart real fast, I am also having a waning interest in pop music and all sorts of pop culture stuff which is traditionally, a young-people thing.

I might as well accept old age with open arms.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

November is Here Again

I love November.
I love how the word November just glides out of your mouth. Unlike April, which must be spat out or February which can be a bit of a tongue-twister.
But, November is a lovely combination of sounds.
I love November. Yet November's always the period when I feel melancholic. It must be the weather, I guess. When it's rainy, it somehow makes the heart feel heavy.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Pick Me Up, Wasabe

If you need a pick-me-up, do click this link:

P.S.: The subtitles are not the translation of the song. It's what the song sounds like to the English ear.

P.P.S.: My brother sent me this link. Don't ask which one.

Thursday, November 01, 2007


Ajax Fabuluso!! I've been looking for you all over the house! We used up the big bottle and I knew you were somewhere in the house but you refused to surface until we've bought a new bottle! Grrrrrr!