Thursday, January 25, 2007

Lazy Bum

This is why I have yet to get that driving licence.

Two whole weeks ago, I was chatting with a friend who, like me, also donated good money to BBDC. Paid for the course but never turned up. So, just as it was my resolution in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, I also intend to get that licence by end of this year.

As I am the one who's free-er, I have volunteered to go to BBDC (yet again) and sign up for the theory test. (No more signing up for lessons. We'll just go and sit for the test.)

Two weeks have passed and my very wobbly bottoms are still here and have not moved an inch closer to Bukit Batok.

Pray tell, when will I summon the strength to go to Bukit Batok?


Ai Li Tay said...

what????? how much have you been paying for the course????

nad makhuda said...

i paid only $200 lah. my friend better, $450.

we like making other people rich.

izadnhana Ismail said...

can you make me rich? i give you lessons. sure pass one. :)))

nad makhuda said...

you know ah, hana, i need a tutor who'll come to my house, drag me out of bed, iron my clothes etc etc etc.. i'm *THAT* lazy.

izadnhana Ismail said...

oi liddat must pay triple the fees! :p

what's SAHM life like these days? blog leh!

nad makhuda said...

one day, one day. one day, i'll blog about life as a SAHM.

dunno when that day will come though. these days, my preferred online activity is going to mummy forums and taking part in bulk purchases and sprees.

i'll start blogging full time when my bank account balance is something like $0.XX.