Saturday, January 27, 2007

First Month Review

Not quite first month. I started this entry at the end of January and look which month we are in now. If I'm diligent enough, I'm sure I'll finish this before the year is up.

So far, I think, housewife-ship agrees with me. If only my immune system shares my view. I've been having all sorts of minor ailments these past few weeks. I don't know whether it's simply about adjusting to the new lifestyle. Hee Yee once told me that when a person's stress level goes down, so does the immunity level. Life has been too relaxed, perhaps?

Not in the first four weeks. The first four weeks of being a stay-at-home-mother (SAHM) was a huge shock. I was needed all the time by my one and only charge leaving me with absolutely no time for myself. I had no time to prepare my meals. I could only eat when she finally took her naps. Making her take her naps was another big struggle. I could spend up to an hour nursing her, patting her, rocking her gently and she would sleep for all of seven minutes. I had to pee, poo and bathe with an audience. I would make frequent calls to my husband, my mother and my sister and whine endlessly with The Little Girl crying and screaming in the background.

But then, even The Little Girl got tired of testing her mother.

So, by the end of January, things were no longer going at a frenetic pace.

A pattern soon emerged. (Sound effect: a collective sigh)

And I also became a biiiiiit smarter at managing my time.

The Little Girl will wake up around 7 to say goodbye to her father. After the goodbyes (during which time I'll ask The Husband, "Are you taking her to work?"), we'll have breakfast and when she's all messed up, a bath. I'll then read the papers while she tears up the classified ads section. After some playing, it'll soon be time for her morning nap. I'll sleep with her for about half an hour or so then I'll tip-toe out of the room and do some chores - whichever chores that cannot be done when she's awake. After that, for The Little Girl, it will be play, lunch, play, nap, another bath, play, father comes home! Yippppeeeeeee! The Husband will pry her off my legs and I can prepare dinner while he amuses The Little Girl.


Yes, it is pretty repetitive and if you are one who gets easily bored and wants instant rewards, this may not be for you. Actually, I was (am?) like that.

This motherhood journey is a long road and it does not come with a street directory. I have an idea where I want the road to lead to and I can only pray that I'm always doing the best I can. Amin.

(I don't know why I get so reflective towards the end of this entry. Must be the effects of my very reflective former workplace.)


izadnhana Ismail said...

do enlighten where you see the road leading to!
if i were to be a sahm, i'll be on the road to IMH! :D
btw, that routine sounds pretty much like my 5-mth maternity leave. but till now, the hubs still can't pry The Little Boy off my legs come night time. and i can so relate to having a lil pervy audience while i bathe, pee, crap, etc. why is it that they can't let us go to the bathroom?? :S

nad makhuda said...

i would like huda to grow up and be a good muslim. that will encompass all areas, everything.

i think for the past months, i dont quite know what the door of my bathroom looks like from inside. it's been open-door policy for too long!! when do they start remembering these things? i dont want her to tell me, a few years down the road, "i saw you crapping your guts out. your face looked real funny when you were on the throne." i think i'd scar her for life.

Ana mn said...

Hahaha...Nad Nad. Put her in her cot la. Then you do your business. I know she'll cry but she'll get tired soon. Sarah was like that, that was when she was around Huda's age. I'd tell her 'Mama mandi ok?" Then off to the bathroom. She'll make those noises but I make dunno jer la.
Ya i totally agree with you. It can drive you to the wall because it's the same every day especially days when they are over demanding and the backache is killing you. That's when I'll call my Hubby to come home quick to take over.
But it's all worth it la, Nad. Watching them grow and learn new things and calling you 'Mama'. Worth it!

nad makhuda said...

i gave up putting her in the cot. dia kan nak jadi harry houdini. even when the cot is at the lowest possible, she would somehow push herself up by putting her feet at the corner of the cot. half her body was dangling out of the cot. scary ah. high chair also the same. we strapped her in, and she would manage to wiggle her way out. the only thing we havent tried is a straitjacket. anyone has a kid-sized straitjacket?

talk about a demanding kid. she's very needy after a weekend. worse, when it's a long weekend. so today, i must be within a 1-metre radius. kalau tak, she'd start wailing. i was so glad when Man came home 10 minutes earlier than normal.

Ana mn said...

Ya, why ah? Why are these kids like that after a weekend? Sarah was like that after weekends, u noe. Sent her to my parents' place and bade her goodbye, and she'd start to cry. Then in the evening, she'd hug me and wanted me to carry her. Then, my mom would say that she refused her food, wanted to be carried around. I think it's a phase la. Now, she's ok. Can wave back some more. hehehheheh

tea tea said...

so exciting kan..this motherhood journey...i'm sure at the end of it, (is there an end, btw? even wen we're already married, our moms still mother us, rite? ) it's all worth it...bliss.. :) go nad go!!

nad makhuda said...

yati, sure no end one. i'm a regular at my mom's place. and my mom still nags at me to eat more, pray on time, wear prettier clothes etc.

rohana, i think it's because on weekends they get a huge dose of both parents, they get to go out etc. so, boring ol' monday is a bit of a shock to their system.

izadnhana Ismail said...

wear prettier clothes?? lol!

nad makhuda said...

yes, hana. my mom stil nags at me to doll myself up!!

hahaaa! i'm really a hopeless case. i'll accompany friends to the cosmetic counter and then get seduced into the world of beauty. then i'd buy all sorts of cream and stuff. only for them to languish somewhere in the back of the drawer. i think i shall make it a new year resolution for 2008: learn how to wear make-up and apply the gunk on my face at least once a week.

izadnhana Ismail said...

come, let hana help u with that gunk.... :D