Thursday, January 15, 2015

4 January 2015


Huda (all 23kg of her) is sitting on my lap now and wants me to write about her. She says she doesn't mind me writing mildly embarrassing things about her and she won't hold me accountable for leaking all these little trivia.

1. She likes to eat.

She loves to eat so much that her ambition is to become fat. I kid you not. Seriously. She wants to be fat. She has a cousin who's a bit on the heavy side and she wants to be just like her. This cousin is also eloquent and is an almost-GEP student, going for a few rounds of the tests before not making the final cut. The cousin is an 'influencer' (to copy the terms used by certain blogging companies now. haha) among all the cousins and I guess that's partly the reason she wants to be just like that cousin.

2. She likes to go to school early.

This girl is somewhat obsessed about going to school as early as possible. The situation was almost insane last year when she was in the afternoon session. Now that she's in the morning session, it's not too bad. She can't go that early unless she wakes up at 4am. She sets off for school at 6.30am with her father. School is a leisurely 15-minute stroll away. So she still reaches school extremely early, when the sky is still dark. These things make her happy.

3. CCA

We had to choose a CCA for her this year. She was in ICT Club in P1 and P2. Now, at P3, she has been given a chance to choose another CCA and she has chosen Brownies. I have never been in a uniformed group all my life, always choosing a 'light' CCA because I'm just, well, not too keen on these things. Eh wait. JC was a bit different. But I initially thought AVA Club in JC was similar to AVA Club in secondary school. Relak one corner kinda CCA. Little did I know...
Anyway. She chose Brownies. I am praying for her to get her second choice CCA, Library Club. :D

4. Maths is a killjoy

She's not incapable in Maths but I think all the scolding I gave while teaching her Maths has really sucked any bit of joy she might have found in the subject. I am now counselling myself into being a paragon of patience when it comes to coaching her in Maths. When it comes to my pupils in school, I can repeat my explanation slowly, differently til almost everyone understands. But when it comes to your own child, your expectation of your child is so much higher that you get inordinately upset when she cannot do a sum. It is not healthy. I do feel that the primary school syllabus requires pupils to have a mathematical maturity ahead of their time. Well, perhaps not. Perhaps it's just schools that set tests which distinguish the A* pupils from the rest of the folks. Sigh. Surely there is a very good explanation why pupils who do badly in PSLE Mathematics end up surviving and some even doing well in secondary school Mathematics. Double sigh. I will be more patient. I will be more patient. I will be more patient.


tea said...

Hazim and Huda both like to go to school early!! Hazim's standard of being early means leaving home at 6.45am. He'd keep egging me, quick ibu quick ibu, we are late already!. When all i wanted to do was to do a check of all the switches b4 we leave home.

Wow! Who's tt cousin of hers?? It's always great to hv a positive influencer in our children's life.

nad said...

Huda goes to school at 6.30am. Sebab Kman sends her to school on the way to work. Kalau boleh, dia nak sampai sekolah at exactly 6.30am when the school gate is opened. Nasib baik it takes at least 10 minutes to walk to school. Kalau tak, dia boleh mintak kunci dari aunty sekolah, tolong bukak sekolah. Dapat lah duit belanja lebih sket untuk beli nonsense dari bookshop.

Their cousin is my second brother's daughter.