Friday, January 23, 2015

23 January 2015

Why are nursing tops so expensive? They are so ridiculously priced!

I want to get a few more nursing tops as the ones I have now are all from Huda and Farah's time and therefore, they are just a few washes away from being rags.

I went to some Malaysian websites to look for tops which are of the sopan variety and the tops made me shudder in agony. I am far from being a fashionista so if I think the clothes are just too garish, they really are too garish.

There are some nice ones which unfortunately cost at least an arm and an additional thumb. I can't bring myself to pay $60 for a long sleeve T-shirt with nursing openings.

I should just get button-down shirts, right? The problem is, I feed the little boy everywhere, including the train. Regular button-down shirts do show a bit of skin should the little boy fiddle around with my tudung or push it away while drinking milk.

So now, I need new nursing tops and have been searching for them online since this morning but cannot find nice ones that don't require me to either sell off TheHusband's gadgets or start a gofundme drive. *somewhat annoyed*

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