Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Week 23, Day 2

Come Saturday, I'm going to have my next appointment with my gynae during which I'll have to take a gestational diabetes test. Reading up more on it, out of 4 risk factors, I qualify for one which is, I'm above 35yo.

I am scared of this test. I don't want to test positive for it. Especially because, I have lately been having a strong need to consume chocolate daily. Initially, I tell myself I'll stop at one square of a chocolate bar. One square becomes a row of 4 squares and before I know it, the entire bar is all gone!

And then, there's this penchant for sweetened drinks. But I dilute my sweetened drinks. I normally drink one part of 100 Plus with about 3-4 parts of water. So, that should be okay, I hope.

So, from tomorrow (today's a public holiday so it's a bad time to start on diets), I will cut out chocolate and sweetened drinks from my diet. I'll drink yucky plain water and low fat milk all the way til Saturday.

Hopefully, I'll test negative for GD.


Anonymous said...

I'm actually still puzzled why my gynae doesn't make us drink that glucose drink. he monitors our sugar level through the paper pee stick. I was also very into sweet drinks during pregnancy! And I gained a lot of weight. Insya-Allah may you have a smooth test & be free from GD.

Nani said...

that was me, Nani.

tea said...

sedapnya custard puff ni..yumm yumm oh..and not forgetting the kinderbueno and hershey's cookies and cream...yummyz!

hahahhah! sowwie sowwie! i hv too sweet a tooth!

insya Allah u'll be fine... i had a sweet tooth then when i was carrying hazim,not that I am not now, and everything was fine.. insya Allah you will be fine too.

nad said...

Nani - most probably because you have none of the risk factors mentioned. I didnt have to take the GD test for Huda and Farah either.

Yati - Dunno how many times I've caved in already! On Wednesday, there was a small pack of M&Ms on my table courtesy of my colleague. Suddenly when I "woke up" from my stupor, I had an empty bag of M&Ms and some of them was in my mouth! How that happened, I had no idea! :D

Then, last night, I was feeling peckish and I had some famous amos choc chip cookies dipped in full-fat milk.

But, I am drinking more plain water and am not mixing it with 100plus.

This morning, thehusband told me, 'today you have to be very disciplined. it's the d-day. tomorrow's the test. absolutely no sugary stuff.'

But here i am, in school, and some nice colleague just left kinder bueno on my table... astaghfirullah... may Allah give me the strength to avert my gaze from that dastardly pack of kinder bueno.

tea said...

I hope the test is fine!!!

nad said...

alhamdulillah! the test result was normal! yippppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

surprisingly, after the test, i had zero interest in chocolates. macam2 kan godaan yang merepek meraban?

nad said...

alhamdulillah! the test result was normal! yippppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

surprisingly, after the test, i had zero interest in chocolates. macam2 kan godaan yang merepek meraban?