Thursday, May 01, 2014

About All the Other Stuff

Here's an update about everything else.

1. Blog Condition

Sometimes, I'm ashamed of my blog. It's so bare-bones, compared to everything else on the Internet. But, I'm doing practically nothing about it. My updates are erratic; most are done when major things happen - like a pregnancy. Hur hur.

But I am not going to spruce up the blog. Other than putting more words here. Because I'm lazy like that.

2. Scrabble

I have downloaded a Scrabble app. And my Scrabble kakis (ie, my brothers) and I are playing too many Scrabble games in a day.

3. The Girls.

They fight and fight. Then play together like best friends. Then fight again. TheHusband and I are impervious to their frequent fights. Sometimes, one party will exaggerate and cry for an extended amount of time. Generally, they will still be ignored. Heh. Such excellent parents we are. Examples of their fights:

a. Farah took Huda's rubber band. Then, she sat down on the sofa and started reading a book. Huda wanted the rubber band back but Farah completely ignored her. She focused all her attention on the book she was reading, ignoring the sister. Huda got increasingly agitated by the second and started shouting, screaming and wailing. Farah remained cool, calm and collected. The wailing reached fever pitch and when my ears finally hit the threshold of pain, Huda got the bigger share of the scolding. Huda's response? "Farah always takes my things so that I get scolded for the rest of my life."

b. Huda is a law abiding citizen and gets upset when the sister does things which are socially unacceptable - like speaking at loud volumes. Farah has a naturally loud voice and it is quite a challenge for her to speak softly. She has been scolded numerous times for not using a lower volume. Her loud voice is always a source of pain for Huda and many, many quarrels result from Huda's failed attempts to make Farah speak softly. Huda's way of showing her anger at her sister involves pinching her or mouthing some banned words like "crazy" and "stupid". Farah would retaliate by shouting back at her sister - her speaking voice is already too loud; imagine her shouting voice. It's a miracle the neighbours had not complained to us about the noise we generate.

4. Kids Reading

The girls are avid readers. It's a good thing (sometimes). Whenever we go out, they will insist on bringing a book each. (Actually, they want to bring more but we don't allow them to. The bag will be too heavy.) Farah, at 5 years 3 months, is a fluent reader. Many times, quarrels between both girls break out because the older sister refuses to lend the younger one books she has borrowed from the school library. When they are not quarreling, they can sit down for hours reading one book after another. Often, this results in crying fits. They don't want to sleep because they want to read. Or they wake up too early in the morning and insist on switching on the light to read. Farah has been caught a couple of occasions reading by the bedroom window in the wee hours of the morning. We hope Ihsan will also be as voracious a reader as his sisters.

5. Huda's Progress

When Huda was born, her prematurity and low birth weight were major shocks for me. The more I read up, the more worrying it got. So many things could go wrong. The only solution lies in prayers. And effort. That was part of the driving force that strengthened my resolve to eliminate (now it's simply reduce; elimination is just not possible) screens in the first few years of her life. Another thing I did was to make sure that she had a good diet in her first few years. But she was such a picky eater in those first few years so all those salmon, kurau and cod that I regularly prepared for her ended up in my tummy instead.

Given this background, I am very proud of how far she has gone. Last year, she was a prize winner during the annual prize giving day. It was a prize for Malay Language. (Which actually is somewhat questionable considering her command of English is better than Malay.) But a prize is a prize and it should be commended. And last year also, she was nominated to be a prefect. This was amazing because she has always been very timid. (At the end of her K2 year, worried about her fear of public speaking, we talked about this with her neonatologist whom we still have to see annually. She suggested seeing a psychologist. Fortunately or unfortunately, the earliest psychologist appointment was on the first day of her P1 life. We didn't want her to miss such a momentous occasion so we decided to put the psychologist appointment on hold. Now, I can safely say that she no longer needs such an intervention. As long as Allah wills it, of course.)

 This year, she is tasked to lead the afternoon session pupils in pledge taking every
Wednesday. Imagine that. My premature little girl who used to have major problems with Show and Tell can now confidently stand on stage before all the P1 and P2 pupils.

6. Oven

I have a microwave-convection oven but the convection oven is only partially working. I can't set the temperature I want and I can only choose from three preset settings. That is terribly annoying. Last week, I went to Farha's house and she served the most delicious roasted chicken.  It is so delicious I couldn't stop thinking about it. As a result, I am going to get a proper oven. Now, I really really regret not having a built-in oven when we did our kitchen some 10 years ago.

Actually, we made some rather poor decisions when we renovated our flat before we moved in. That's why we are considering having a major renovation in 2 years or so, after HDB is done with the Home Improvement Programme. This is, provided, we still cannot find our dream home within the next few years. I'm hoping for us to move out because I cannot imagine the headache with renovating a flat we are presently living in. All the packing, having to move to a temporary location, choosing enough items to last us for that 2-month stay at the temporary location, then blah blah blah... you can imagine the headache involved. But, the problem is, that perfect unit is elusive. The one and only unit that spoke to us had been sold to someone else because Malays couldn't buy the unit. Boohooohooo.

Anyway. Coming back to the oven. Farha told me that I could buy a built-in oven and place it on the countertop cos some of these companies like Mayer can provide boxes for built-in units so that they don't look too strange sitting on the countertop. But, it might be a bit too big on the countertop. So, maybe I'll get a medium-size oven instead.

I fantasise about oven-baked chicken and chocolate chip cookies making regular appearances during my next round of unpaid leave.

I just hope that the oven does not become a white elephant.

7. Work

I think, after many, many years, I can safely say that I like my work. There are aspects that I don't enjoy, of course. But I love the core aspect of my work. And for that, I thank Allah for guiding me to this route. (It helps that I can take a few years off and still be assured of a job when I come back.)


That is all.


tea said...

Wow!! What did you do?? Any tips on the route to your girls becoming voracious readers? They sound like my younger sister mil-when she was young, the 1st thing she did when she woke up was to pick up a book to read.

It's really great that your girls love reading so much, without the need to push them to read. Well, Hazim has to be forced to read, more so recently. Sigh..I bought many boy-books and graphic books to entice him to read - he doesn't volunteer reading these books so i have to set specific times for reading -mostly before bedtime.

Congratz to Huda for winning the Malay Prize!! and nominated to prefecthood and leading the pledge. I've always fantasized about leading the pledge when I was in primary sch, but never had the chance. Huda's Awesome!!

I always laughed each time u write about Farah. I cannot imagine the loudness of her voice when she screams! hahahah!I think it's great that you let them settle their differences on their own-really great!

After my built-in oven died on me, I've been using tefal oven only. slot it in the built-in oven space and it's served me well over the years. so yea, just sharing!

I thought being a teacher is great too - especially the part where you can take a few years off and not worry abt having to write a resume all over again. :)

For us, this is the thing - worry can't find another job if we surrender the white flag. and if only they give me primary school - i'd gladly become one. hehe. y do i major in geography?>!! oh well.

Love reading your posts, as usual. :)

nad said...

abt reading
one major thing is in my favour - that they are girls. that's why i am really really hoping that the younger brother will take up after the sisters' habits. i suppose another thing that worked in my favour was the limited screen time they have. so, they need to seek entertainment through reading. so, for the little boy, dari kecik kene training baca buku.

abt huda - i never had the chance to do those pledge taking things because i was never a prefect. tapi sekarang as a teacher, dapat chan berdiri atas stage berbual lama2. but not so keen to do such things nowadays. :p

abt teaching - yeah lor! the fact that i can take looooong npl and come back to the same job (but different school) is one major major reason why i am still in the service.

i also realise that i am a more humane teacher now that i'm a mother than before motherhood. you know how motherhood completely changes your perspectives on so many things? it helps to make me a better teacher and i genuinely want to see change in the kids that pass through my hands.

why dont you try applying again? and again. and again. sampai kau dapat primary school. the social studies syllabus has just been changed and the first semester syllabus is highly geographical. ask mr armf to bring back p4-p6 social studies book. lepas tu, during the interview, ko cakap ko nak jadi specialist in social studies at primary school. so that you can give pupils a good grounding in geog at a young age and develop a passion for it etc etc etc. :D

oven - i've settled on an ariston oven! they have a 'box' for it. and it matches my kitchen cabinet. so, ok set go! besok aku pergi beli. by next week oven datang, wooohoooohoooooo!!!!

initially, was considering 2 countertop models - one from delonghi, one from rowenta. both have internal fans, which i remember from reading your blog eons ago, is absolutely essential for regulating the oven temperature. the price was about $600 for the delonghi. and $800+ for the rowenta. i initially budgeted about $400 for the oven, not knowing how much they cost.

then i went to mayer and saw a built-in oven going for $600+. with the box for it, i really dunno if my countertop can accommodate it. balik rumah, measure measure measure. perfecto! so, busted earlier budget but i get a good oven that can help fulfill my midnight choc chip cookie cravings. and that roast chicken. and baked potatoes.

(mudah2an bukan hangat2 taik ayam aje)

eh wait. that means your tefal is not a built in oven? which means, it is a small-ish convectional oven? how do you do all your hari raya baking? doesnt it take too long to bake sooooo many cookies in a small oven?

farah - sakit telinga sakit telinga sakit telinga. seriously. not kidding. dah berkali2 dia kene marah about her super loud voice. tapi kadang2 mak dia pon sama, kalau dah excited, satu blok boleh dengar. mana tumpahnya lauk kalau tak ke nasi kan? kan? kan?

Nani said...

Sooo proud of Huda!

And Farah is a good reader at 5 years old! Awesome! I shall guide Aifah more.

tea said...

hahah! maybe i shd try applying again..and use the strategy u've kindly advised altho' in actual fact im more into human geography than physical geography. :P

yar lorr..i've not had an internal fan in my oven for super long and so far it's been ok except when i roasted my chicken, not as evenly done as compared to my previous oven. i don't bake a lot also lar for hari raya - its the standard honey cornflakes only recently. makin pemalas kan aku? and small oven bake very fast so yes, the tray can only take so much in a small oven but the time taken to bake is not very long. So can la-just hv to bukak tutup itu oven many2 times. :P Its great that you've got yourself an oven with the internal fan! i dunno y i am so kemut dont want to spend anything above $500 for an oven tt i settle for just a countertop oven. :P

err abt suara kuat--memang tepat sekali! mana lagi kuah nak tumpah kalau tak ke nasi? kekekek..

nad said...

yati - apply! apply! they love mid career switchers, you know. promotion datang dengan cepat. (and with promotion, comes bigger responsibilities. uwek!)

oven - the weekend we were supposed to buy the oven, there was an ad for a 5-room flat beside my parents' block. so we spent about 2 weeks deliberating whether to buy it or not during which time our plan for the oven was put on hold. if we were to get a new flat, we would just wait for the oven in our new place. but when we finally decided to place an offer for the flat, we were one day too late. someone else just made an offer for it the day before. so, takde rezeki. it's back to the oven in our humble little unit. that means, this weekend is oven buying time. unless i see another ad for a 5-room flat near my parents' place in tomorrow's classified.

tea said...

Nanti diorg kasi aku geog lagi mcm mana-i dun like to talk to teenagers la, shall just wait for the time when hazim bcomes one, not tt he's not acting like one now sometimes-jawab balik segala. :p

Alamak... takper takper.. insya Allah kalau ada rezeki, mesti dpt grab a unit near ur parents place-i mean nearer than u already are now. Mr armf nak pindah- wants to move out-dia tak boleh tahan low floor lagi dia cakap esp w the dust settling down on us all the time. Tapi aku tak nak-sayang rumah ni. Hehe. All the best for your search okies!

nad said...

anak dara aku yang tua pon penuh dengan teen angst perangainya! dia punya menjawab, dia punya mencebik, dia punya mutterings under the breath... semoga kita semua banyak bersabar...

mr armf nak pindah rumah tingkat tinggi? tapi kat kawasan sama lah? aku pon sayang rumah aku. maklumlah rumah pertama.. plus i love the view of the park outside my window. but i realise we need a bigger space so that when the kids invite their friends over in future, the rest of us have our own spaces to retreat to. and i really want my house to be the port for the kids and their friends so that i can keep an eye on all their activities and listen in on their conversations. rather than them going out elsewhere and doing Allah-knows-what.

but prices are falling and most people are not selling their 5-room flats. so, must wait and wait and wait.

e_chaya said...

Yay, your kids can now look forward to regular appearances of oven-baked chicken and chocolate chip cookies. ;) Congrats on Huda becoming a prefect and Farah's reading! Fantastic! :)