Sunday, February 23, 2014

Week 12


Feeling better.

Vomiting happens a maximum of three times a days, so far. Most of the time, it's only once a day. Hopefully, I'll be having vomit-free days in time to come. Like soon. Really soon.

Took my weight a few days ago and I've lost a total of 7.5kg. Sigh. But I think I'm gaining them back now. (Positive thinking)

But the highlight of the week is, my sister asked me if I wanted to join her at West Coast Hawker Centre. We used to go there a lot. I thought, I'll just go for my family's sake. The poor kids and husband have not eaten out much ever since I got pregnant. Mainly because the smell of food sends me reaching for the vomit bag.

So, we were there yesterday. The moment I got there, I vomited some of my infamous foamy saliva, no thanks to the food smells.

But I steeled myself. I didn't order anything but I had a bit of food from everybody. Except Huda who had chicken rice. I am still averse to rice (unless it's soaking in kicap manis) and the smell of chicken rice puts me off big time. The char kuay bakar (Mas Merah, I think) was divine and so was the satay (from Stall 60-something). Farah had nice horfun. Took some Mee Hoon Goreng Mama from the brother-in-law and Kuay Teow Goreng from Sofiya. I could keep all the fluids I had - air kelapa and pineapple drink.

Pineapple - Now, I have been craving for pineapples since the beginning of my pregnancy. I allowed myself two small bites in the earlier weeks and no more than that because of the bad rep that pineapples have. But, as soon as I'm past Week 14 and there's no more vomiting, I am going to indulge in one full slice of honey pineapple. Til then, I must wait. Wait. Wait.

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