Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Week 11

Week 11 Day 2

There are good days and there are bad days. Sometimes, the day is all good, with no vomiting. But suddenly, at the end of the day, everything comes out.

As for nights - there has been a total of three good nights so far when I could get more than 5 hours of continuous sleep. Other than that, sleep has been bad.

I have not weighed myself since last week. I don't want to know what my weight is, especially if there's no increase or, worse, falling. I thought my weight was going up last week but I thought wrong. That was most probably the effect of the IV drip. Which went away when I went home.

Not very positive news.

But, at least, I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. This weekend, I'll hit Week 12. Hopefully, all will be good by then. Amin.

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