Sunday, March 04, 2012

March 2012

Farah turned 3 last month.

She is also up to a lot of antics.

1.One day, we were talking about the differences between boys and girls. We were at a coffee shop. After stating the main difference between boys and girls, she pointed at every man at the coffee shop and said, That man has a p/e/n/is. That man has a p/e/n/is.That man has a p/e/n/i/s.

2. Another day, she was angry with her sister. She wanted to insult her sister and she went, Kakak, you have orange and pink p/e/n/i/s!

3. She woke up and pooped in her diaper. She was smelly and so I said, "Farah busuk lah!" (Farah is smelly.)

She replied, "No. I'm a girl. I'm not smelly. Ayah is a boy. Ayah is smelly."


nur azean said...

Nad how did u reacted when Farah said all that at the coffee shop? What have u been teaching her? On the other hand she seems to be very feminist, which is good :)

tea tea said...

hahahah! Farah is super entertaining. yar! i wanna know too, how did u react wen farah chanted the male's anatomy ?of cos' Happy 3rd Birthday Farah!!

nad makhuda said...

azean/yati - aku ajar dia body parts. when she started announcing who has p/e/n/i/s, i started to distract her with something else. you know how kids are lor. the more you tell them not to say it, the louder she'll be.

yati - farah says thank you!