Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Tissue Box

I have not uploaded pictures for so long and so here's some now. Why is this album called tissue box? Because that's what I saw when I looked away from the computer to think of a title for this album.

The cousins feature prominently here but the 2 latest additons are not in here. Next round of uploads, the 2 little boys will definitely make an appearance!


Ana mn said...

Eh eh macam bilik Sarah :)

nad makhuda said...

wow! sarah's room is like this? cool. very rajin mummy. i so tak kuasa to make huda's room all princessy. the most i did was to buy a princess-themed bedsheet. :P

irris irris said...

That means you're ultra smart too :)

irris irris said...

lol.... can totally relate to that...

nad makhuda said...

errrr... while i was somewhat convinced of that in primary school, life has shown that wide forehead is simply a justification for a fringe or in my case, a tudung pulled lower. :p

nad makhuda said...

yeah! in your blog/facebook entry - the mother's day entry. hilarious but true. hit the nail on its head!

tea tea said...

i like these boxes..saw them at OTC!

tea tea said...


tea tea said...

2 amoys so cuteeeeee!

tea tea said...

gigit boleh??? gerramm sey!