Friday, May 28, 2010

Super Dino

1. The title is Super Dino because Huda's book is beside the laptop and 'Super Dino' is part of its title. This entry has nothing to do with the jurassic era but I am not one who can come up with relevant titles so I get completely irrelevant ones.

2. Farah is now almost 16 months old and she has begun to hate eating. Her weight is sliding off the charts and she is exactly on the 3rd percentile now. She's dangerously close to falling off the charts but she no longer wants to eat now!! BOOOOHOOOOOHOOOOOOO! As with Huda, I've been cooking all sorts of potions and concoctions (I have at least 4 baby cookbooks) but nothing's working. The one thing that worked recently was nasi lemak. Just plain nasi lemak.

3. She went to the doctor's for a check-up recently and was sent for a whole lot of blood tests. One for thalassaemia, iron count, liver and kidney functions and something else. They had to take 5ml of blood from her vein and she was screaming violently while the blood was drawn from her. Results of the tests would be available at the next appointment but as for now, she's a confirmed anaemic case. Being anaemic, I want to feed her beef at least twice a week but - as expected - she rejected it even before the spoon touches her mouth. And if I manage to push the food inside her mouth, she'll spray everything out. My neighbour told me to make a drink for her using a teaspoon of wolfberries (qi zi), 2 red dates and some dried longans to help with the anaemia. I'm trying that as soon as I get the wolfberries.

4. Farah is also walking. Hooray! She started doing so from around her 15th month. Now, I no longer have to cringe in pain when I see black-ish spots around her knees. When she was actively crawling, I dressed her in long pants so that her knees are protected against rough surfaces. But, despite mopping the house daily, she has a way of showing me that my mopping is no good because by the end of each day, where the pants cover her knees, it will be grey. It got to the point where I decided that maybe I should make her wear mittens and she can do the mopping for me.

5. It's now 12.56am and I can't sleep because of my overactive brains. While I was lying in bed and waiting for sleep to take me, my brains were busy translating sentences from English to Malay. I then realised that my Malay is really not up to scratch. It is good enough to communicate with a 4-year-old and a 1-year-old but beyond that, I need to do some serious work. So, since I couldn't sleep, I decided to get up and write here.

6. We were supposed to go to Bangkok from 9-14 June. But who wants to go Bangkok when Central World (the place with the ultra ultra nice and clean toilets - I bet Farah's knees won't even turn a shade darker had she crawled in the toilet) is gone? Well, it's not just about Central World, of course.
So where are we going instead? Kuala Lumpur. We were there last December (when we had to change our destination from Langkawi) and again in February (that was planned a loong time ago). I won't say I'm sick of the place but because I've been there much too often in recent times, it has somewhat lost the charm it used to have over me.

7. Huda. One day, we went out for dinner. She was so stuffed, she couldn't have one more bite. On the way back, she saw some junk food (I think it was Kinder Bueno) and wanted us to buy it for her. Me, being the junk food police ("only one junk food a day") refused to buy it for her and soon she started whining about how hungry she was. All the way home, in the bus, on the way back from the bus stop to our home, the whining went on and on. Of course from excessive hunger, it escalated to extreme exhaustion. By the time we reached our door, she said she needed to pee. Run to the toilet and take off your pants in there, we instructed. But by this time, our little drama queen was beyond exhausted and was in danger of fainting from her parents-induced hunger, she started crawling, dragging her poor almost-lifeless body to the toilet.

8. My parents were expecting guests, one of whom is a Mr Green who used to teach  TheHusband when he was in secondary school. So we were at my parents'. The first few guests came and as I was putting Farah to sleep (and falling asleep myself), I wasn't part of the welcome party. Huda came into the room and I asked her if Mr Green was there. TheHusband came in at the same time and he said that Mr Green wasn't there yet. Huda immediately rebutted, "Dah! Dia dah datang. Dia yang pakai baju green dengan tudung green." (Yes. The person's here. The person is wearing a green blouse and a green tudung.)
(Dia = third-person pronoun for both males and females, no distinction between genders;
Tudung = a headscarf worn by Muslim women)

Huda is my Malay-speaking daughter who has no idea that 'Mr' is a salutation for men or that people can actually have colours as names.

9. I'm not sleepy but it's 1.24am and I must force myself to sleep because my kids have no respect for public holidays. Then again, they respect public holidays so much that they will wake up at 6am to greet the arrival of one.

So, goodbye for now. Til the next time when I try to translate English to Urdu or something.


tea tea said...

farah rejected ur beef stew too? oh dear...oh dear...she eats plain rice? how abt sprinkling plain rice with ikan bilis powder?anchovies has good sources of iron too to help with iron deficiency...
btw hazim still has all thsoe blackish spots also..when they are active, those black marks wont go away until i dunno wen..we will still cringe. haiz.

huda is so drama queen la! so hilarious all the time! haha! she sure entertains her parents a lot eh!

the kpo me ask mr armf if he knows a mr green. and he said "yes, he taught arts.very good teacher."

irris irris said...

Ouh...the dreaded "rejecting food" stage...!
Porridge pun dia tak mo? haizz... headache...

Why does she have to take all those blood tests? Did something trigger them?

Btw, you so rajin lah...mop everyday. My standards so much more lower than that...
once a week dah bonus..

nad makhuda said...

anchovies provide iron too? okay. aku try. you just roast them and then put them in the food processor, right? i use the mill of the blender can also, right? (ni lah orang yang jarang2 ke dapur..)

yeah. she rejected the beef stew. very sad about it cos it tasted so good on its own without even a grain of salt. however, in the past few days, she's been eating and i'm gonna try the beef stew on her again when i feel like i'm ready for rejection. hur hur.

yup. that mr green is very good leh! he remembered all thehusband's classmates. i'm so impressed. it's been years since he left school. i dunno if *i* can remember my students ten years from now.

Ai Li Tay said...

You mean, he is really MR Green?

LOL - Huda is quite a drama queen eh? I like!

nad makhuda said...

good news, though.

as of a few days ago, she has started eating again. but not much lah. still, the princess eating (however little) is better than not.

the blood tests - i think the doctor just wants to get as much moolah off me as possible. :p
well, there was the blood test which showed that she had too much of something that suggested either anaemia or thalassaemia. then at the same time, she hadn't been putting on much weight. so since she was going for more tests to confirm anaemia/thalassaemia and that the blood must be drawn from the veins, she might as well get more blood drawn for the other tests just so that we can rule out anything unsavoury as the cause of her poor weight gain. in any case, it's likely plain old genetics lah. her sister was skinny but is now okay. so farah will most likely be the same. insya Allah.

errr, about mopping - this frequent mopping is only possible because i'm a housewife la. you think i can do this if i'm working? i used to only mop once a month at best. or, did i, at all? hmmmm..

nad makhuda said...

yeah. it really is mr green. :D

huda can be so very very drama at times. it is so ridiculous. only becomes entertaining when we talk about it after she has gone to sleep.

tea tea said...

yes u can use the miller. i use it too. becomes very fine.. good luck k! hope farah will eat!!

sara e said...

hi nad! ur girls so funny la... esp huda! But i am soooo glad my boys are a bit more grown up now. Can use logic with them. All of them have to sit at the table till every bit of their food is finished. And Mika is always the last one, refusing to eat at first, saying he is tired, sleepy, having stomachache and what have you. But of course, the Mommy hati batu and ignores. Hahahahaha...

All the best dear! Keep on blogging! I love reading them! :)

nad makhuda said...

how old is your mika?

i can reason with huda on most days. but there are times when i just choose to ignore all her nonsense (similar to your haati batu lah) nd more nonsense will result.

anyway, i've been thinking of you for the past few weeks because i've been trying to stop my little monster, oops salah, i mean farah from waking up at night for milk. instead, she wakes up at night and terrorises the entire neighbourhood with her wailing. and last week we went to kl and because i want to sleep at night and hotel walls are very thin (and i am just too considerate), i just let her latch on. now i really dont know whether to give in to her milk demands or just let her continue wailing at night. she could go on for 2 hours, rest (more like pengsan after all the screaming) for about half an hour due to exhaustion and continue again for another hour (that's when i give up and give in to her). i so very very regret not asking you how you did it earlier. when my #3 comes, i want you to give me a detailed guide to making the kiddo sleep thru the night.

sara e said...

hahahahahaha... detailed guide? so funny! i shld start a guide book on it n make lots of $$ hehehe... so, when's the 3rd one coming? whatever it is, "training" must be completed before baby turns 4 months. :)

oh, btw, mika is 3 yrs 3 mths... kaki bully la dia... suka bully haziq! (6 yrs old come july but MANY mistook the 2 boys to be twins! aiyoh... haziq so kecik lah...)