Monday, October 19, 2009


1. The weather is unbearably hot. The birds living in the tree just outside my window are complaining non-stop.

2. A few blog entries ago, I was extremely gung-ho about what I want to do now that I'm not working (til 2011, that is). But of course, me being me, all those are just talk only. I have yet to go for my second driving lesson. :p

3. But, I have a very good reason for not going for that lesson. Farah was hospitalised. Again. This time round, it was for bronchialitis. She was breathing rapidly at night and was whiny and barely slept and and it didn't improve the next day so I took her to the doctor who sent us to the hospital. And there we were. One night at Hotel KK.

The annoying thing about this stay is, her insurance was approved (which means we won't have to pay for the stay) BUT, there were no single-bedded rooms that day. Other than that, she was okay. Her breathing stabilised after a few rounds of the adrenaline thing. She had a box-like thing over her head and the gas was pumped in through a tube from an opening on top of the box.

4. And that's our trusty laptop that kept me company.


5. I suppose Farah falls ill a lot more frequently than Huda did because:

i. Farah has a lovely older sister who insists on lying down beside her even when she (the older sister) is sick.
ii. She's secretly envious of her sister's long hospital stay so she wants to feel the joy of being hospitalised (and having all the attention to herself).
But as long as the reason for the hospital stay is minor and not life-threatening and can be fixed during the hospital stay itself, I don't mind her being hospitalised.
6. Back to my gung-ho plans. Hur hur hur. (That's me laughing at myself.) I think I've fallen into a very comfortable (lazy) routine. The one thing which I can say I'm doing is *drumrolls* cooking. I am cooking at least 4 meals a week. And nowadays, the dishes I come up with is actually mildly edible!! It's a miracle! I try to cook from scratch, which means - I try not resort to the instant packs of just-add-water curry or asam pedas or ayam masak merah etc. I will use those things when I start working again and have no time to pound the chillies and onions. But, for now, I will try to do everything from scratch (but it doesn't mean I'm going to plant my own wheat to get flour). Anyway, with me cooking, TheHusband finally has a chance to lose weight. Hohohohoooo!! So, expect to see a scrawny, emaciated TheHusband in months to come.
7. Huda and Farah - They like to wrestle. *rolls eyes*
7.1 In the morning, they wake each other up.

7.2 One smile before the wrestling begins



7.3 That's a typical wrestling session. Normally, no one is injured and I pray it remains that way. But that look of terror on Farah's face in the third picture...Sigh... I should stop these wrestling matches.

8. I have pictures of Huda and Farah and other kids (mostly their cousins) but I have to put that up later cos Farah has just woken upp from her 30-minute morning nap. But before I go, I just have to share this picture of Hazim. He's a handsome boy!

Cute, huh?


Liza Ali said...


tea tea said...

anti climax sey! looking forward to ur entry!

nad makhuda said...

liza & tea - there you go! but this one not so wordy. words escape me these past few days. one day, when i write my long long loooong grandmother stories, please read, hor?

tea tea said...

hazim says tkasih cik nad! hazim has a soft spot for baby girls and a soft spot for big brothers...hehe..tapi dia sungguh tak cute kalau dia marah..tsk tsk!

kesiannya farah...hopefully the bronchialities will not return anymore.. good tt she has such an optimistic mak too.. yarhor insurance dah approve and no single-bedded, very irritating lorr..

kakak huda and adik farah suka wrestle, ko dah tak payah try for no. 3 (boy), but can still try la..haha!... i like the 3rd wrestling picture! u managed to click the shutter in time to freeze ur amoys in that position!

and yes, keep up with the cooking and u'll get better with more practice!! *note to myself.cook*
r u sure ur husband will become smaller now that u've cooked frequently?..shouldnt it be the opposite? he'll be happier and happiness is usually associated with prosperity, no? :)

Ai Li Tay said...

Farah definitely looks like you! Those big round eyes!

nad makhuda said...

yati - if i do try for #3, i would like the child to be a girl. heh. because 2 girls oredi, then if #3 is a boy, a bit leceh lah when it comes to raising him, sleeping arrangements and etc. basically, #3 should be a girl for administrative convenience. wahahahaa! but i think even if #3 turns out to be a boy, he will definitely not be in a dainty, prim and proper kind of environment. dunno lah. see of #3 is even in the works!

about cooking - he will become thinner lah because my cooking is errmmm... good enough to be eaten only lah. he'll be eating to survive only.

aili - i didnt realise i have big round eyes! (unless i'm opening my eyes really wide before i scream at pupils..)

irris irris said...

Oh dear, poor farah in that little plastic box! It's like that huh with 2 little ones.
Good that you have put your culinary skills to use!

Raggedyanne Faudzi said...

ok, farah does have your eyes, but she definitely has nunu's nose! how come, terkenan issit? hehe

nad makhuda said...

nani - actually, the plastic box is a brilliant idea by whoever who came up with it. otherwise, they would have to strap on a mask on the kid to make sure the gas gets to her but you know how little kids would absolutely hate that. so, brilliant box!

anne - ah! long time no hear from you! you very sibuk bikin kuih. :) do they share the same nose? hahaaa! that nose belongs to my mom's side of the family. all my cousins (incidentally they are all across the causeway) have the same nose. but my mom and her siblings dont have the same nose. recessive genes, maybe. my mom-in-law tried to massage the nose to be mancung like mount everest but my husband wouldnt have any of that. so, that's the nose!